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Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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marikxishizu (06/17/05)

Hello!! Cool site it makes me feel happy! Visit my site sometime if you want. Buh Bye!!

redvixen (06/04/05)

hi great site, hope u don't mind me addin u as a friend

Reenigrl (06/01/05)

Hi its Reeni grl I sighned u as a freind to ok see ya around bye.

Reoku-Himura (06/01/05)

*signs in purple* Great site *watches the stars.*..............Bubbles................................MINE!

DestinedDragon (06/01/05)

haha thanks! You have some great fan art as well! I don't mind you adding me, so I'll add you too, cya!

ulsika (05/31/05)

oj oj oj:)
zdaj pa tak! pi�em ti počasi, ker vem da ne zna� brati hitro:P
kak si mi kaj, majda:)?
čuj, men je taki dugcajt duma...�e dobro da sn se zmenla z basrbaro da grema pol zvečer malo ven pogledat kwwa dogaja;)
dans me tak trga, da me bo raztrgalo, z anito pa leonido smo tako delale, da se �e je oni na busu kaj se je zravn nas vsedo tak smejo, da če nebi mel uh, se bi mu ustnice okoli in okoli zasukale;)
eh, bom raj�i ti nehala gnjavit....ker me puna trga...
pa pa**

ps se spomni� ko te je voznik nategno... ups... mislim, po tvoje: opeharil:P

red moon (05/25/05)

hiya ty 4 adding me as your friend i'll do the same. check out my fan art please. ty bye

punkspike (05/20/05)

yhanks for signing my gb im sdding you as a friend too i love your art its cool your site rocks

jamm (05/17/05)

Hello person...I don't know you and I'm just aimlessly wandering around signing peoples GBs.....sooo....if you ever have the time, please come to my site...bye...

Mistress Haven (05/15/05)

Hiya thanx for commenting on my art, and i added you too, your art work is awesome as well i really like it!

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