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majin ssj eric
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Brunswick, Georgia
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Radiologic Technologist R.T. (R)
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Eric R. Ellis ![](
College graduate (finally, whew!)
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, Cowboy Bebop, Hikaru No Go, Shaman King, Yu Yu Hakasho
To make a living from playing music....
drawing, playing drums/guitar, and riding my motorcycle
| majin ssj eric
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
Well, my first week at my new job is finally over and let me tell you, getting up at 6:00 every morning is, as Shikamaru would put it, "troublesome!" I had two loooooong days of orientation followed by numerous medical clearance checks and other unpleasantness. Then I was sent down to the ER and put straight to work. I certainly didn't waste any time in putting that 3 years of schooling to use did I?
Prior to getting the job at the hospital, I had to take the ARRT Registry, a 220 question exam that covers everything from basic anatomy, to the properties of electromagnetic radiation. It took nearly 3 hours to complete and at the end I was sure I had failed. It was a long week of pensive frustration until I got the letter in the mail that confirmed that I had, in fact passed. With a 93 at that! So you guys can all start calling me Eric R. Ellis R.T.(R) (that has a ring to it, no?).
I can't believe that school is all over with. I started my Otaku site just before I started college and now here I am, a graduate, yet still an Otakuite! Through these 3 years I have often been noted for my lack of activity here, though I have always kept an eye on things. The early days of MyO were pretty cool as I got to meet alot of great people (some who are still here, some who aren't). They included such Otaku legends as the nototious Someguy (heh, we both joined on the same day!), the always dependable Rustym, the wise-cracking John, and the original custom page designer LazeChibi just to name a few.
I remember writing blogs on here detailing my first days of school and how it had seemed so odd to be back in a classroom after 7-plus years. I posted a bunch of fanart early on (fan art was the reason I had always come The Otaku, long before MyO had even started) and I had many people check out my site over that first year. I remember one day noting that my site was #1 in visits and thinking, "wow, I wonder how that happened?" In fact my site remained #1 for many months until a lack of updating and the prevalence of other great MyO sites conspired to drop me down through the ranks (though I'm still in the top 50!).
Then there was a long period of over a year when I didn't post at all. I'm not really sure how that happened either. I still checked my page and others every now and then, but for some reason just had nothing to say. I think the explosion of Myspace may have had something to do with it. Alas, many of the people that I used to chat with frequently have gone on and stopped visiting me (or have left MyO completely). I have to say that Someguy and John have always been there and are both greatly appreciated....
Anywayz, now here it is 2006 and I have got the bug to be active on here again. Maybe its that school is finally over and I have time to myself once again. Or maybe its that I have gotten insanely into Naruto (much like I did DBZ long ago) and have desired quality conversation on the subject. I definitely am glad to be back and reading other people's blogs once again. It's cool to see glimpses into the lives of so many different types of people who are all connencted by their love of anime (and manga). I will definitely be more proactive in the future regarding my posting and commenting on others' sites. Hopefully some of those that I have met and lost contact with through the years will one day find their way back to my site and we can be friends again.
Wow, that was long. I am not typically so long-winded. Ok, well that's all I've got for now. Think I'll go watch some more Naruto (I'm up to episode 84 now). See yaz!
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
I have been watching all of my Naruto episodes at a blinding pace (I am now up to the Gaara/Sasuke fight in the finals of the Chuunin exam) but I keep going back to episodes 12-19 over and over and over. For some reason, no matter how far along in the show I get, I can't seem to get over Haku and Zabuza. The tragedy of their story is so powerful and moving to me.
Can you imagine being a small boy who discovers that he has the ability to mold and shape water and ice. That, upon the discovery of this amazing gift, your father kills your mother and then tries to kill you, for that ability is greatly feared in your village. Now imagine wandering the cold and snowy streets of that village, shunned by those who know and fear you, unwanted and alone in the world.
But there is one person who, not only doesn't hate you for your gifts, but embraces them. He gives your life purpose for the very first time. So you dedicate your life to him and his dreams. You work tirelessly as his tool; his weapon. You live day in and day out to be as strong as he wants you to be so that you may one day redeem his acknowledgement of your existence.
Throughout it all, he never once tells you that he cares about you. You break yourself daily for the hope of that one single praise that he will never give you. You do everything that he ever asks of you without question and yet he still only values your abilities, not you.
Then one day, you face an adversary who, by no fault of your own, you cannot defeat. You surrender yourself to the sobering fact that your life is again meaningless. You have failed the one perosn in the world most precious to you. But, in one last moment, you see an opportunity to save his surrendering yours. You do so without hesitation. And only after your lifeless body is laid upon the ground, does that precious person finally acknowledge that he always did love you. And you die together in the snow; side by side to the end.
Zabuza: "Haku, are you crying? You were at my side from the very beginning, and now, I want to be at yours here at the end."
Haku: "....."
Zabuza: "If I could....I'd like to....go to the same you"
Naruto (crying): "He was born in a snowy village..."
Kakashi: "I see.....a boy as pure as the snow....You will be able to go Zabuza.....together."
I cry every time I watch that episode. I don't know why but it is so hard to watch, yet so hard not to. So, anyway, this is my Otaku tribute to Haku and Zabuza. My favorite characters in Naruto even though they were only in a handful of the early episodes. No matter how far into the show I get, I will never forget them.
By the way, I posted a new picture from that scene above in my portfolio so go check it out in the fan art section. I also did an AMV for Haku and posted it on YouTube. You can check it at
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
New fan art!!
Well I promised some new Naruto artwork and now its here! I really love drawing these characters. The designs and details are so cool and well thought out. Kishimoto-sensei is quite an extraordinary artist in my opinion. I am so obsessed with Haku and Zabuza right now that I couldn't think of anyone else to draw, but I will eventually get around to all of the characters. Please go check out my new drawings and let me know what you think. I haven't felt this inspired to draw since I first got into DBZ and now, five years later, its deja vu all over again! I will need some more practice with this new style but I intend to make a fan manga about Naruto sometime soon so stay tuned. Anyway, that's all for now. It's time to get back to my sketchpad!. Later.
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Man, its been forever since I posted here. Seriously, forever. Anyway, I've recently gotten into Naruto big-time (I've been reading the manga in Shonen Jump since it started but just recently got into the anime). I've always loved the manga (Naruto and Hikaru No Go being my favorites) but the anime has just breathed so much more life into a story I already loved. Watching the penultimate battle between Naruto's gang and Zabuza/Haku has so much more dimension to it on the screen than on the page. I actually caught myself tearing up at the end (that's right, I'm man enough to admit it). Since then I have been hooked, downloading every episode I could get my hands on (I now have 1-75). Everything about this anime is great. It really is the next dbz for me (and dare I say, maybe better even than). Naruto really reminds me of dbz in presentation and action but I believe it one ups its predecessor in one big area: Heart. Naruto just has so much emotional content that really sucks you in. You really care about the characters (even non-main characters such as Shikamaru and Lee). Anyway, I just thought I would get on here and rant about my new/old anime love. I never thought I could care as much about any anime as I had about dbz, but Naruto is proving me wrong episode by episode. Expect some new Naruto fan art from me in the near future!
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Friday, May 6, 2005
Some "new" old fan art!
Hey guys! I posted some golden oldies on my fan art page. These were some old drawings I hadn't posted that I found while cleaning up my hard drive. I'm working on a couple of new things that I will posting soon as well. In other news, my band's full length self-titled LP is done and will be available for sale soon. I think it turned out great and I can't wait for you guys to be able to hear it. If you wanna check out some of the songs go to and check it out for yourself! I'm still sloshing my way through school (just one more year left) and I can't wait to start making some real money! Anyway, just thought I'd update this thing seeing as how I haven't posted in so long. Thanks for taking the time to read this and please go check out my fan art page (and comment on them damn it!!! Just kidding). Laterz!
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Sunday, March 13, 2005
Hey guys! I haven't posted in a while but I just wanted to let you know that my band is in the studio right now recording our debut full-length album! We should be done sometime in April and I can't wait to let you guys hear it. Anyway, I'll see you around!
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Pic update!!!
Hey whats up you guys! I don't think anybody comes here anymore but in case somebody does, I just posted two new drawings in the fan art section! One is a title page I did for my G&V manga and the other is my version of a very sad moment in DBZ. You'll just have to check it out to see what I am talking about ^^ Anyway, please leave comments (even if you think they suck) 'cause it gives me something to do online! Haha. Ok, see you guys around!
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
New song posted!!!
Okay, I put this song up on our band website ( but I decided to post it here as well. Just click the link under the band banner above and the song will stream automatically! It is not a professional recording! It is a scratch track that I recorded mostly myself (with solo help from Damian) as a demo of the song idea. Let me know what you think! Later!
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Happy turkey-day to all of the Americans on MyOtaku!! Eat a drumstick for me!! Later!
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Monday, November 22, 2004
New song!
Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I put a rough version of a song I just wrote and recorded up on the band website. It is on the Music page. I recorded everything but the solos myself so go check it out (and get a good laugh at my singing!). Let me know what you think! Laterz!
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