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myOtaku.com: Makai2006

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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DarkDragoness (10/02/05)

Hey, thanks for sighning my guestbook and adding me as a friend.I'll add you as one too.Feel free to stop by any time or PM me.If you have any questions, hopefully I'll be able to help...one more thing...FMA ROCKS!!!

AlchemyGirl2789 (10/02/05)

Well hiya, thanx for signing my gb. I like your site. Well if yahave any questions(about your site or what not) feel free to ask me. Well talk to ya later. Buh Bye

RedmetalAlchemist (10/02/05)

Hai!!! Awsome site!! So u like FMA !!!!WOOPEE!!!!!its just because I lov FMA!!!!YAY!!!My fav is Ed so whos urs? O and ur avi of Ed is soo funny!! I hope u like mine!!Drop by my site and sign my gb k? PM me anytime!! adding u as a friend!! Till then!!Later!!

Tahashi Rikku (09/30/05)

hi!!!! i love that full metal alchemist thingy!!! thats sooo funny... hahahahahaha... :D i love watching full metal alchemist!!! but its sorta confusing and crazy at the end... its weird... oh well... it was a good anime... very interesting and well... funny. :D hehehehe... please sign my gb!!!! pleeze!!!! :P
~ja ne~

metal-inuyasha (09/23/05)

LOOK OUT,,YOU HAVE A CAT ON YOUR HEAD,,,oh" wait,,thats just a hat,,sorry about that^_^'

any-who, this one will be adding you as a friend,,,,or did i already do that,hmmm,,well i will do it if i didn't do it yet,,and thats about all this one has to say,,,see ya

Love and Peace

kaguraROXZ (09/21/05)

kwel site..like ur little icons....like tha colors..weit is tht red or maroon..well anywayz i likeies tha color..:D..well l8er..and oh yea im add u as a fwnd..k

msyugioh123 (09/20/05)

Hello you have a nice site i like the cloro's and ED avitar! XD! thats funny

EdwardElricThe2nd (09/17/05)

Konichiwa! Como estas? n_n lol nice site u gotz here. I shall addu 2 me almighty list of forever gaining friendz! w00t! n_n lol U R NOW MY FRIEND!!!!!! YAY! n_n Drop by sometime! lol CULATER! n_n I'm out like the fat kid in dodgeball.
Idiots do cool things.

That's why it's cool.

Da cheerio king knowz da bestiest. do watz rite & don't do drugz. Thanx! n_n

-ur friend 3dw4®d3lric7he2nd♣♠

blacklightning (09/16/05)

hey buddy remember me...its brig.^.^ well i will add you as a friend.come by my site somtime.

Metal-inusluver (09/11/05)

aaron i set up your site you can do stuff on it now and good luck i'll add ya as a friend

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