AIM AznChronoGirl or AznxGangstaxGirl E-mail Click Here Website Click Here Yahoo! Messenger Lil_Chibi_Azn
Birthday 1991-07-04 Gender
Female Location Maryland Member Since 2004-01-25 Occupation MLK Mid. School Student Real Name ~Gangsta Filipina Child~
Achievements Me am Smart! (Science Bowl, Art Awards, Science Awards, Swimming Awards, Piano Awards, and other stuff ^^) Anime Fan Since Iunno... Since I saw Sailor Moon since me was a much yunger yunggin Favorite Anime Dun hab wun...used ta love watchin Sailor Moon wen I wuz lil tho.. Goals ta become a super rich surgeon..mwahaha! Hobbies videogames, comp, drawing, various sports Talents Art, Music (piano, flute, some guitar, and recorder!! ^^)Bein Smart, Athletics, videogames Makotaku
Yo! ^^ I'm tha "ghetto Filipina child". ^_^ Harhar.. Nice ta meet ya. Nehow, I like anime an RPG video games, beginning with Final Fantasy. woo woo! ^^ I've finished FF7, FF9, FF10, FF1 and am about to finish FF2 (FFOrigins), FF8, and FFX-2. That's lotsa FFs. :P (Dont get me wrong, those aren't the only games I play and beaten tho, of course)
Uh, I draw gud for my age! Me amma yunggin! lol.. ^-^ Leme see... I'm athletic, smart, funny (sometimes), nice & mean :P, artistic, and... umm... artistic! I also listen ta alotta music (mostly hip hop tho). Alrighty then. Plz sign my guestbook thingy and make any comments as ya like (as long as they're nice) :D! Don't be shy and I'll be ur friend! :D ^_^
~Final Fantasy X - Suteki Da Ne~
~Ayumi Hamasaki - Unite~
~Chrono Cross - Radical Dreamers~
What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?
Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
From deep within the flow of time...
But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then we ran like the wind
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
~Intro to Chrono Cross
You're Yuna! Strong, level headed, and the leader of the group!
You represent... naivete.
So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at times, but it's only because you're not sure how to act. You give off that "I need to be protected vibe." Remember that not all people are good. Being too trusting will get you easily hurt.
You're Most Like Kenshin!!!
gentle caring and very nice,even to those who don't really deserve it.despite his kind and caring nature he's an expert in the hiten sword.
You're the average school girl. Homework and grades are everything to you. You like to study with your friends for fun and if you got even one C in class you'd go crazy. Wow...some life!
Cicadas.. *shudders* just the name sounds sick.. (no pun intended =P)They are sooo stupid.. lol
They basically eat in tha ground, come out, have babies, and DIE... Mwehaha..
Well hav not much to say.. made a xanga (and am kinda clueless) but its aiight ^^
Again i wuz busy last week.. (including being angry >_<)
Well, on Monday during my gym time tha gym caught on fire from tha washing machine (hah.. it all started with a box of bleach jk) So in muh butt uglee uniform that i hadda wear tha whole damn day, >_< i hadda wait out side for 4 hrs (as well as all tha other students) in a firedrill and i got a really bad tan. >_< So atleast a news helicopter came and tha students were waving and like 'Atleast were on tv'.. Yah... Well wen i went home it didn't even sho. It got over-newsed with a fukin bomb threat.
That wuz a bad Monday but tha weekin general was crappy. Tha school has no windows so it wuz blazing hot, stick and stinky (sweaty people.. hah) Tha a.c. can't be turned on till may (for financial reason) And it wuz soo shitty. Plus a teacher gave us a 4th project even tho we already had 3 big wuns. And 1 proj that wuz a 6 chapter long book on geography wuz given on April Fools but it wuzn't even a joke.. and it wuzn't funny (>_<)
And on friday everyone wuz acting like a buncha drunk jackasses. They wuz all annoying and mean. Even my friends were bothering me (even tho they wuz playin; they play too much) They were sayin I love this dumbass guy who was rite there wen they wus joking so i told em i go out with someone else but they bothered me more >_<
Well that wuz muh shitty week in general.. Plus i hadda type this twice cuz my crappy comp But there's something that i say to weeks and days like that:
"Shit happens so just blow it off"
I hope i didn't make anyone feel bad and that i didn't have too many >_<'s.. So i'll end this with a smile.. ^_^..
Sry I haven't been on lately.. Just soo busy... Spring Break ended last Monday so since its Friday its tha end of this week so yay. I gotta 4.0 on muh report card so hooray more! *sighs in relief* ^_^ Its just that i have so many dumbbutt projects and i kno imma procrasinate. O well.
Well over Spring Break i did alotta shopping bought FFTactics Advance and traveled 4 miles on a bike through some trail. I'm sooo glad Lent's over cuz i gave up videogames (sooo hard it wuz). I also won some easter egg drawing contest for tha state wide Catholic Standard ^_^ *earned a $50 gift cert. to borders* =)
O yah.. and i submitted a Vivi pic that a drew quickly.. Be sure ta check it out and vote^^
So here's a quiz.. Horo-Horo
He may come from the snowy mountains, but he has a warm heart. True love often starts from a good friendship, and he knows how to make you laugh and have a good time. He's also very concerned with ecologic problems, let's take care of Nature together.
I finally learned how to make music not play wen yu enter a site ^__^. I hope yu all enjoy tha updates to muh site. As yu can tell I cant really do one theme cuz its too hard cuz there are soo many things I like. ^^ I added a few things so yah.. Imma bout ta go shopping now so i'll just use my new skill ta put up a song so feel free to sing along (and sorry about a few of tha wrong lyrics.. Im too lazy ta change it ^^