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Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Damn...this is the game I wanted for my birthday...but I couldnt get it for we are too poor and they dont want to get anything for me...*meep* and they arent selling this game at all in our area...those bastards!

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This scares me...*meep* what the hell?

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I Have a Grand Idea...

Okay, okay, I know that the picture was...a little...off subject...it is just how I feel at the moment...the guy...with blue hair. I dont know what to really think ya? But...sigh...I know I wont be able to scan pictures on my site on the summer....sorry to those people who like my pictures...but I do have a great idea! :3 I am doing a project for myself...a huge comic that'll keep me busy and have my art skills in touch ya know...and if I draw other stuff...I'll be sure to save it and scan it on also for you guys...lol...but with my drawing ability...I'll be sure to pass the 100 fan art pics...hahaha...I'll try my best...I still need ideas for the story plot and everything...here are some of the characters that I am putting in my story! :3

1) My characters...(You'll see them...I usually make them up along the way with awesome abilities and style.)

2) Sora (Probably...I am thinking...it depends on you guys too if you want him in there.)

3) Yoshi (He is my favorite child character...you know...I liked Yoshi sence I was a kid.)

4) Squall aka Leon (I like Leon's style...and his attitude...and his weapon...so...he's in.)

5) Cloud (Hmm...well...he is a badass! :3)

6) Rinoa (I dont know...just want to put some kind of female in here...lol.)

7) Arith (Cloud's little follower, I dont have a reason...she just made me cry when she died on the game.)

8) Setheroth (We need a hott, deadly guy with silver hair dont we? Hmm...he'll be a big...and I mean BIG tease to the characters...lol.)

9) Kirby (He is very optional...I wont put him in my comic if the thing is going to be too...complicated for him...he'll be left out...so...screw him...not really...who need a gaint pink ball that sucks things all of the time...hehe!)

10) Zidine (This'll probably be Zidine's first appearance at all...I never drew him before...so I want him in my comic...he's a theif...he'll steal his way into the act...)

11) Vivi (He is awesome...for a black mage...lets put some different in my book.)

12) Moogle (Yeah...I'll put in some different moogles in here...hahaha...they are funny! Kupo!)

13) Nanaki aka Red XIII (I love lions...so...yeah...I'll put him in indeed...I'll give him a great part to play!)

Right now I cant think of anything else...so you guys can probably give me ideas...I dont garrantee that your ideas will be used...but you might inspire me to do something...I do like doing different thinks...hmm....oh well...you guys give me your best thoughts on what I have right now...

Place: A place that is super beautiful...(I still need to draw a map...sorry...)

Time: N/A (I dont think we shall tell of anytime...just the time itself...)

Magic and the sword ways are in this time...sure there are some guns and other stuff...but rarely...*meep* Hahaha...I am making a big deal out of this! :3 So...you know the drill...give me the most ideas that you can possibly give me...now go imform me of what you think...please! :3

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I grew bored yesterday...just plain old bored...*meep* I ate pizza yesterday for dinner...and I played my Rage of Mages on my computer...I found out my brother went on my computer and turned it off the wrong way....*meep*....he pisses me off really bad. I dont know what to really do for this summer...maybe try to get my drivers licence and visit my boyfriend...or when my parent mother goes on her summer vacation to visit Washington to see her family...I'll probably get my mom to say its okay for me to...stay there for a while...my boyfriend would be okay with it...and I had this weird dream with my boyfriend in it...I had this weird battle against Wario...he was flooding the city...I just used my specialized moves and kicked his ass...though I thought I was dying...but yeah...I woke up warm in my bed...so warm...so comfy...then I took a warm heat thrilling shower...*meep*...lol...
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Monday, June 6, 2005

This is for my friend...she really asked for it...by a request I shall do my best even though I did this as a sketch...*meep* hope it looks good...

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Woo...this weekend was so gloomy...lol...I was so bored...I was just looking at my body the entire time at night in the mirror...different poses ya know...lol...hahaha...I worked on my Final and then I worked on Reoku-Himura's picture...I finished it and will be down on my fan art by the end of this day. But yeah...I cant wait for my boyfriend to show....eee...I'll be seeing him soon....he decided to shave...he told me it was kind of irritating him...hahaha...nothing exciting happened this weekend....though I did play Final Fantasy IX and got alot of stuff learned...it was funny...I was so comfortable in my bed as I played it...I beaten the boss in Evil Forest and I was gaining AP from its minions you know...and 30 battles...I began to get weiry...I dozed off and my dad walked in my room...I woke up and I looked at my tv...and Blank and Steiner were both KO'd. Zidine and Vivi both had good amounts of healt and Zidine could easily kill the lil minions in one hit...thank god my dad walked in my room...I would've lost alot of levelage...and alot of skills I learned for over an hour....and then I played Rage of Mages on my computer...I then scared the shit out of me by playing Resident Evil 4...sheesh...scary...I am at the part where the zombies were colliding us and we weere caved in...the only shelter was a abandoned house...we walked in and I had to block the windows and stand back with a loaded shotgun...wooo...shoot them in the head and everything...I got so scared I turned off the tv because the zombies were coming in through the window and got me by surprise...
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Friday, June 3, 2005

Oh...I like to play with his chain! :p I like the lion...he is hott...just like my boyfriend...

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Poem~Lost Love
Just keep searching,
The hopes of your heart will soon uncover,
The soul shall vanquish those who oppose,
The sun shall rise,
The moon shall set,
The hearts of many will soon by viewed by many,
The twilight sky will uncover the lost loves,
Bringing in the ones who truly need embrace,
Leave your arms open,
Someone will soon fill that empty space~

I wrote this in one of my comments for Jessica...my friend...I liked the sound of it so I posted it on my site for all to see...enjoy...

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