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Monday, February 26, 2007

   The lighter side of Greed

Hi everybody ^^

Theme is still my man Greed but only it's a bit more colorful now.

Anyway, I have nothing to say so I'll post some pics. Sorry...

hm.... why not a video as well?

Hm... well there's this one... the embedded player was disabled though, so you'll have to go here --->

And something for GB as well ^^

I see some face touch-age here but also... some nervous sweating.


Um, yeah. Ok. That is all. See you guys later ^^

ACEN funds: roughly around $40
Amount wanted for ACEN: At least over $100
Shapoopy total: Holy fuck...

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

   Aimee then zinke... Now.... ME!

Geez... ok dream time.

Ok! Yes, as I promised a dream from me! A vow! Woo!
This actually wasn't an over night dream. I went to bed after school yesterday and I actually remembered it ^^

Ok... here goes...


Ahh.... well. Damn... I can't really tell you. It was probably the most dirtiest dreams I've ever had... (and beleive me... I have the spirit of an old leachorous man) So... instead I'll show pictures to try and describe it.

Alot of this happened:

And this too:

And then after I fell asleep cause I'm a lazy ass but because it was a dream I still saw what was happening:

Heheheheh... those are just too perfect. But yeah. That's preeeeeetty much it.

I'll guess I'll end with some Itachi-ness:

Byes ^_^

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Friday, February 23, 2007

   Stupid stupid post... such a stupid worthless post.

I just learned that the word 'itachi' is japanese slang for the 'man' of a lesbian couple.

... sorry. This just made me laugh. This is no 'fling' at anybody by the way.

Filthy+Gorgeous by ~Plateialumitar on deviantART

That is seriously all I have... T_T

Bye bye!

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

   New one!

-+:Greed goes Boom:+- by ~mammaDX on deviantART

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Monday, February 19, 2007

   Yuri Shimai ya Bitches

Amanda, Amanda, Amanda... *sigh* Amanda.

Have I got a surprise for you.
?) What do you get when you give Justine her first soda in weeks, heart shaped chocolates, and complete internet acess?

...*Thinking Time*...


Erm, yeah. That's what I was doing all last night. Eating Valentine chocolates (Thanks Zinke) and browsing some adorable yuri. Unlike the all popular yaoi, yuri is a hell of a lot harder to find... BUT I FOUND A CRAP LOAD!!!!

So, uh, yeah, Amanda it's all here under my photobucket account. AND I recently made it publlic so there's no need of a password... ya theif. Oh, and also, they're all pretty light... soft core. So don't expect any... you know...
*does thrusting motion*
Yeah, you know.

For those who aren't Amanda... be my guest to check it out. There's also some yaoi there too. But for now here's a preview of one of my favorites that I got... the resemblence of GB and me are uncanny...

Ah hahaha.... yeah.

I am done for today... and yes, I'm aware I'm perverted.... bwa ha ha!

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

   Hello again...


Well, obviously, I haven't been on lately. Mostly because my computer is fucked up again but, uh, I can't complain. I have the school computers to use too. So... ah... I guess I have no excuse. Except... computers hate me...

Um... now for some news I suppose

- I now have the Wii
Yeah, I do. I got it as an early V-day gift along with the Twilight Princess. Though, most of my time is towards making Mii's and playing Wii Sports.

- There's ... um... someone... I have
I don't think I've announced this but... I'm going out with GB... even after my whole significant speech of not dating anyone until I graduated. HAHAHAHA... I'm a weak ass liar. Um...

Yeah, It's going to be my first one. I'm going as Greed. (Thus the theme) Um, and OH! For whom it may concern... I didn't get in trouble for people being in my house... because... you know... I'm still going to Acen and stuff. According to a shit load of forums... it's going to be the best three days of my life.


Any who... here are some Greed cosplayers that I found:
-Eating McDonald's
-Some chick
-Tall dude
-~insert 'looks like my dad joke HERE~

Ahhhhhh...... yeah. Also, for those who are unaware of my DA account... I'm no longer submitting art here on the otaku. It's all going to be under my DA. So, um... yeah. I'll tell you when I have new art and stuff. But don't check my portfolio here... just go to my DA.

Alrighty then. I think I'm done here.


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Monday, February 12, 2007

   This is the only thing that I could think to post..

~Get on over~
~I'll hit the lights~
~Shine my eyes your~
~wonderful sights!~
>Ready yet?<

+Jump up then down+
-Slide on top-
+Touch all around+
-Just don't stop-
}This Pleasure Factory!{
~Please come closer~
~The time has come~
~I'll open wide~
~Then give you some~
>Almooost there!<

+Keep on moving+
-if you can-
+Do it better+
-Than a man!-
}My Pleasure Factory{
~Time to push in~
~Index, middle~
~Maybe a third~
~tease a little!~
>Pretty close!<

+Do it faster+
-In and out-
+Grab onto me!+
-Make me shout!-
}You Pleasure Factory!{


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Monday, February 5, 2007


New theme.
I'll explain later.
Sleep now.

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Saturday, February 3, 2007

   Last place again.

Well, so far all of my friends did a post dedicated to us and showed a picture that reminded them of someone… So,
I’m taking it upon myself to do the same…
Shit… I’m always the last to do these things.

Ah well. Here goes:

This one reminds me of Aimee… ya’ll know what I’m saying.

So does this one… I think it’s the shorts for some odd reason…


Now for Amanda…

Hm… this one because of the paw print panties… yeah, yeah. I said it.

This one cause, well, C’MON! Panda!

And this one reminds of of Apanda too:

I love this one… it’s actually a figurine though… I really want it…

I noticed that all of those were pretty damn suggestive… Amanda… why are you so… suggestive?!?


And these represent Michelle:

Because well… come on… it just screams Michelle…

As does this one

I don’t know… if there’s no glasses then I can’t picture it…


Now some group pictures…

These are always the hardest to find for me… especially four of them together.

Well, the blonde one is Amanda, the white haired one is me, the burnette is Aimee and the one with the pink hair is Michelle… I kinda did this one based on height.

This one is Aimee and Amanda:

Aimee’s the one with the wings… Manda’s on the leash… heh heh heh.

Amanda and me:

Their hair probably decided this. Long hair= Amanda… short hair= Me

This one was hard but I came to a conclusion:

From left to right, it’s Amanda, Aimee, then Michelle.

HAHAHAHA!!! This one is great. It’s Aimee and Me:

Sorry… it’s just funny… this pictures actual ACTUAL title is “Making Cake” … personal joke. Ah… short brown hair is me and blonde one is Aimee.


These are all Michelle and me pics…

White haired one is me and the other is Michelle.

Yeah… I’m sure you can establish who’s who by now…

Yush… kinda reminded me of Gorillaz… slightly.


Oh… almost forgot a single one of me… em…

Yeah. I’m done.


Ok… that’s all… very bored right now… and tired. Think I’ll go to bed now. Didn’t finish that damn poem… doubt that I will. Probably not going to any ‘party’ tomarrow… as I used the last of our ice that evidently had my mom’s name on it… so then I ate a cookie out of depression… but that was my mum’s too.


Well, we all miss ya Aimee… a lot.

As for everyone else, I’ve probably bored you. Hope you all have a great Saturday.



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Friday, February 2, 2007

I think the only one who'll understand this post is Michelle...

There was no Throw Down commercial but I did get the entire song:

Also the most evilest song that resides in my head... this isn't the complete version... though... I still don't know what he's saying at certain parts:

But this one is fucking funny... god I laughed so hard at this:

It depresses me to say that I've seen all of those episodes... my favorite one is where Kitty learns manners while eating curry... I know I learned a thing or two...

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