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Saturday, August 26, 2006

   I'm just teasing myself with this... it hurts

(wow...)> '_'

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Nothing really to say. I'm really tired right now. I wanted to sleep in but my mom lost her cell phone and started freaking out in my room, so i had no choice but to get up. How has school been for everyone? Personally, I hate school but so far so good. Nobody has gave me a pink slip yet! Well... you know. B-day today but I'm really too tired to care.

Let's see... ah, I'd like to get some requests. Any is good. I like to challenge myself. (oh, saijinto, I'm still working on yours! i'll get it done soon!)

Well, have a good rest of a Saurday! ENJOY IT!!! NO SCHOOL!

I thought that this was funny!

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Friday, August 25, 2006

   (...)> '_'

Wow... well, sorry that I haven't been on lateley... (no one's probably gonna comment on this! WAH!) I've started school last tuesday and it's really slowed me down... i've been having crappy sleep patterns as well that aren't really helping either. Welll.... my Birthday is tomarrow. I really don't know what to expect... i asked my mom yesterday if she got me anything and she laughed and said no...(maybe she's joking... please?!?) oh well... i don't really care what i get as long i can sleep in.... i've been sooo tired lately and stuff. My shoulders hurt too. They just aren't ready for school, i guess. OH!!! And (dont know when... but i've colored a whole bunch of pics with a program ike photoshop so check my portfolio some time cause i might have new stuff up) Well, guess that's it. Have a great night... day... whatev.

If you could have anything right now, what would it be?

… I‘m so pathetic… … I‘m so pathetic… … I‘m so pathetic… … I‘m so pathetic…

Man... look at me.... I have to wish myself a happy birthday... Oh well, thankyou Justine!
Me: You're so welcome!
What ja' get me?
Me: ... um... I GOTTA GO DO SOMETHING!!! (runs off)

Ok, well, see you next time I can!

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Saturday, August 19, 2006

   Okay! (as if you didn't see this coming)


So please don't mind the mess that is my site until I'm finished.

My new theme: Nintendo Wii

Hope you enjoy it!

QotD: Are you planning on buying the Nintendo Wii?
My answer: Hell yes! I'm planning on camping out side of GameStop or GameCrazy so watch yourself!


No, no... It's way more that that!

Have a good day!
~mamma DX

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Well, hey there people!
I'm proud to say that two more people have joined the Nintendo United club! So ha ha for anyone who hasn't!You guys don't get to do the member dance! Heh heh Heh! Bwa ha ha!!! ...sorry.
Anyway, there's been one thing on my mind lately.
I've been checking up on it since day one. I know that it'll be out either the end of this year or the beginning of next. Hm... gives me an idea for my next theme. Well, other than that... i'm pretty bored... Um... how's school, kids? Jk. I start soon, so don't worry. Well... guess that's all.
Have a good day!!!
~mamma DX

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Photoshop-alike and Broken Saints

Deep in the depths of my mom's lair I found a (sort of like photohop) coloring program. I colored at least five of my older drawings. (seriously... i did not go to sleep last night... my eyes hurt) So, I'll be using this for awhile. I'll submit the colored drawings as soon as i can, so sheck my profile sometime, ok? Woot!

Anyone here heard of Broken Saints? It's a pretty cool internet comic. It released a DVD box set and I bought it. (wasn't dissapointed) It's very creepy but intelligent. It's not like moving like anime but the art used was inspired by anime. (it's pretty much a moving comic) Here i posted a trailer and the first episode. (only watch the episode if your patient and are interested!)


Ep. 1:

Have a great day, guys!
~mamma DX

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

depressed now... can't work the typing

I spilled on comic... don't care that typing wrong. working on new papers so sad but it be okay....
*pant pant*

...Alright. I think I'm better now. Well... in normal words. I spilled water on my comic of four years work. Not all of the papers got soaked. I put the drenched ones by the fan. They're drybut crinkly. I have to re-draw them but at least i cantryto draw them better, i guess. Oh well, I'll get over it.

Here's some sad pics to share my despair:

sadsad #2sad #3

Ag... I'm so pathetic...

Oh well...
ah... Hope you day is/was great!

No question of today... today. I can't think of any.

Well, see ya'!!!

~mamma DX

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Saturday, August 12, 2006

   Don dan don dan! Yoshi!

Well, I went to my high school today to get registration papers. They were supposed to be obtained via the mailbox but my school hates me so we got them the old fashioned way. Why do they hate me? Hold on… let me… just a second… *grabs pile of papers* Along with being a disturbance in the classroom and not attending too much, I’ve got a huge stack of “Bad Justine” papers. Let’s see here:

- I have 3 assistant principal office pass’s

- 18 Test make-up pass’s (one in which addresses me as “Justine/Liar”… I love this one)

- 6 “Come to my class room now” hall pass’s

- 8 office escort pass’s (one of my favorite staff members would be my escort. He reminded me of my dad)

- 8 pink slips/absence admits

- 6 Saturday school reminders

- 3 homework requests for ISS (in school suspension)

Why did I keep these? Uhhhhhhh… OH, RIGHT! When I graduate ( I WILL graduate. I’m smart, it’s just I don’t like to attend) I want to see how big my “Bad Justine” stack is. Or, I might wallpaper my wall with them. Who know? Know that I think about it, the only teachers that liked me were those with a good sense of humor and my art teacher, who, might have been a little crazy. But she was cool none the less.

Despite all of this, I’m sort of getting excited. Like I said before, Michelle’s birthday is the 22nd. I don’t know if she’s doing anything like a little get together or spending the night type thing. But whether she likes it or not, I’m gonna’ be at her house that day… with a Danish…maaaaybe. Another cool thing is my birthday is this month too. The 26th. My people said that I can do something if I want. They said that Michelle and I can go to Six Flags by ourselves which will be pretty damn cool. One thing that I’d like to do is take some buddies to the arcade and whoop there ass’s on DDR and get some plushies! Tee hee. But… ENOUGH OF MY FOOLISHNESS!!!


Ok, time for:

Don dah daahh!

QotD) How about you come up with a question for me? I’ll answer it!!! Seriously, any question is fine.

Okay here’s some funny comic shorts that I found:


Heh, I really like the bottom one :)

And…uhhhh…some pics to top it all off:

For zinke and his new theme.

The three Smash-kateers... sorry... very bad pun.

Alright, I’m all typed out so I’ll see you guys next time that I can, ok?

~Enjoy the rest- I REQUEST THAT YOU GIVE ME A REQUEST!!! DO IT!!! -of your day

~mamma DX

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Wednesday, August 9, 2006


I think it's about time for a new theme, right guys? I'm thinking off doing my favorite characterfrom Naruto. Shikamaru!!! I don't know why I like him. Probably his attitude and who doesn't love his hair? Well, enjoy it. What else? I've been playing Pikmin 2 alot. (compliments to GB fiend. She bought it for me for my b-day. An early gift, though. My b-day is actually on the 26th this month) Anyway, it's really extremely cute. I usually don't like cute things like this but I can't stop playing it! Thanks, Michelle. Uh... school is gonna' start soon. I can't really explain this emotion. I guess... let it come. I'm ready to bare it, I guess. Well, gotta' gooooooo! *weeeeeeeeeee*

QotD) Who's your favorite Naruto character and why? (i might've asked this one but who cares?)

Here's a cool Shikamaru AMV by one of my favorite video makers on youtube.

A realllly good Shikamaru cosplayer

I think it's a chick but I can't totally tell...

Alright, have a good rest of the day.
~mamma DX

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Monday, July 24, 2006

   Hey.... yes.

Well, I got a club going. It's calledNintendo United. Just a club for all of those Ninendo fans. (and hater/sort of haters of x-box and ps) You know, just PM me to join! Oh, um... I've been having probs with my site so I reposted this video for all who didn't see. It's very funny!

enjoy and have a good day, buds!

~mamma DX

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