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Real Name
Justine... but people call me Steen
Being a loyal Nintendo fan. I've never played anything but Nintendo consoles. If I touched a PS2 controller, my hand skin would probably melt. Sad? Perhaps.
Anime Fan Since
I don't care anymore... but for as long as I can remember. My brother was a big influence. He got me into it
Favorite Anime
I haven't seen an anime that I don't like. Current Favorite: Women at Work
Make my comic into an anime series and eventually a video game... FOR NINTENDO!!!
Drawing, video gaming, loving Roy and other red-haired, sword bearing guys, writing stories, creating stuff, and sleeping... doing nothing at times is good too.
I am the ultimate Roy master!!! >:D naw but I luvs me sum roi
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
Yush, sorry I'm not at school.
Decided to ditch today.
Hanging out with zinke and co.
Here's my plans for today... he's coming around noonish so:
-I'm gonna get my hands on some coconuts ^_^
-Go to Nickel City (arcade)
-Play DDR with him though I always feel bad... he's very good and I'm... well, no good.
-Go out to eat. (coconuts?)
-Prolly lay around in the grass for awhile... something I loved doing... I started to despise doing that lately though...
-Other stuff I'm too tired to mention...
Ok, so again, sorry for not showing up today.
(and Amanda... if Luke is planning on meeting afterschool again today I can't... the only time I can do it is on the weekend)
Ok so, I'll end with pics:

heh... kinda reminds me of Apanda

Hm... yeah.


I want chocolate now -_-

Ok... wow... sorry. Enough... except one more ^_^

See you guys later. I go take shower now ^_^
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
No Explanation needed.
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Monday, May 21, 2007
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Friday, May 18, 2007
Pics........... too lazy to remove links even......

Who's who?

Who's who?

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Thursday, May 10, 2007
So, like GB, I won’t be here for awhile. When I get back, however, I’ll make a post of the events that took place ^_^ Now for some useless pictures:

Ok! Seee you guys later ^_^
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Ok, I¡¯m going to respond to everyone yesterday. Uh, here goes:
i....ah fuck!
idk, just
p.s. that last pic is just so fucking......AH!!!!!!
-Yeah, I know¡¦ I just. Ah.
Len23 :
*pokes* why soo blue panda bear?
-bah! Just relationship problems ^_^ But thanks for calling me panda bear, though that nickname is already deemed by one of my buddies
lalagirl :
well i love the pics and site site as well. did your computer get better? did it need a laxitive? *laughs* (member you said that your computer made a pooping sound?) *laughs again*
aww! *hugs and give pepto bismol* i hope you feel better! *then gives chips to make nasty feeling go away*
My gosh ^_^ I know¡¦ it was actually a typo¡¦ but you should¡¯ve heard me giggling at the computers in school when I saw that! But, no, no computer yet, Still using the school ones. Thanks for the pepto and the chip.
GB fiend :
My words will mean nothing so...
I just won't say anything...
Now what the hell does that mean exactly? Your words mean everything to me and you should know that. And if you didn¡¯t, I¡¯m telling you now. They really do.
sikaurai :
I'm totally clueless...
oh, wait, what else is new?
Yeah, what boblover said...?
Heh, yeah sorry. A lot A LOT of bad stuff happened. I not talk about it, though.
... i dont no what to say...
but please dont throw up...
its gross and it tastes bad... and ill be sad...
so yeah...
love ya...
Thanks, I only did twice but the gross taste is gone ^_^
Okay, gotta go.
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Monday, May 7, 2007
(Whatever post)


I think I did a similar post a while back¡¦ yeah, when I ruined my comic. I fixed it though¡¦

I sorta like this¡¦ this may have been on someone¡¯s site already, I think.
Ok. I is gonna throw up now.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Ok, well, I see that many people have updated and/or have been updating.
I am sorry for not commenting but let me assure you that there is reason.
My room computer has blown a fuse and it fails to work. Yes, no mo computo. All my files are gone and everything. I plugged it in, turned it on, then it made a pooping noise and smoke came out from under my desk T_T
So, my only time on here is when I¡¯m at school and lately I only have time for typing my stories and whatnot.
So, I guess what I¡¯m trying to say is I guess I¡¯ll gone from theO for awhile¡¦ at least until my computer gets replaced so¡¦¡¦. It might be awhile. But please, I may not be here but I am in spirit so don¡¯t forget about me.
And trust me, just because you may not see me here for awhile doesn¡¯t mean I forgot you either!
Update! Update! Update! Update! Update!
Ok, I¡¯m done. Be seeing you guys another time.

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Thursday, April 19, 2007
Oy, I'm just going to post an exerpt from my Naruto FanFic. It focuses on Kiba and Shika ^_^
Only if you want to and/or are bored ^_^
Kiba struggled under the massive paw of the beast. His ribs were under such intense pressure he was starting to wheeze. To his surprise, the tiger never pushed down harder or even attempted to bite him. The golden yellow cat just stared at him with his narrow green eyes. The big cat’s tongue dropped out of his mouth and the tiger lowered his head. The weight of the cat’s skull forced air out of Kiba’s lungs.
“I can’t take it!?he said with the breath escaping him.
Slowly, the golden tiger began to lick Kiba’s neck. He looked at the creature’s jaws with confusion. The tiger only continued, bringing his large tongue to the human’s cheek.
Kiba’s face became slick with saliva and smeared with the red from his face paint.
Soon, the cat’s tongue got dangerously close to Kiba’s mouth.
He would have called for his dog, but Akamaru was nowhere in sight.
The yellow beast traced Kiba’s lips with his tongue. Kiba only tightened his mouth.
No way in hell?
The cat pushed his tongue past Kiba’s tight lips. Kiba groaned in disgust as he turned his head side to side trying to escape the beast. The effort was lost, though. The tiger’s tongue was far too long.
Ah... sorry if that was too long/boring/pointless for you. Bah... I really can't wait until next week... come now, please.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Now, normally I'm not one to post vids but I couldn't help it
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