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myOtaku.com: mamma DX

Saturday, February 3, 2007

   Last place again.

Well, so far all of my friends did a post dedicated to us and showed a picture that reminded them of someone… So,
I’m taking it upon myself to do the same…
Shit… I’m always the last to do these things.

Ah well. Here goes:

This one reminds me of Aimee… ya’ll know what I’m saying.

So does this one… I think it’s the shorts for some odd reason…


Now for Amanda…

Hm… this one because of the paw print panties… yeah, yeah. I said it.

This one cause, well, C’MON! Panda!

And this one reminds of of Apanda too:

I love this one… it’s actually a figurine though… I really want it…

I noticed that all of those were pretty damn suggestive… Amanda… why are you so… suggestive?!?


And these represent Michelle:

Because well… come on… it just screams Michelle…

As does this one

I don’t know… if there’s no glasses then I can’t picture it…


Now some group pictures…

These are always the hardest to find for me… especially four of them together.

Well, the blonde one is Amanda, the white haired one is me, the burnette is Aimee and the one with the pink hair is Michelle… I kinda did this one based on height.

This one is Aimee and Amanda:

Aimee’s the one with the wings… Manda’s on the leash… heh heh heh.

Amanda and me:

Their hair probably decided this. Long hair= Amanda… short hair= Me

This one was hard but I came to a conclusion:

From left to right, it’s Amanda, Aimee, then Michelle.

HAHAHAHA!!! This one is great. It’s Aimee and Me:

Sorry… it’s just funny… this pictures actual ACTUAL title is “Making Cake” … personal joke. Ah… short brown hair is me and blonde one is Aimee.


These are all Michelle and me pics…

White haired one is me and the other is Michelle.

Yeah… I’m sure you can establish who’s who by now…

Yush… kinda reminded me of Gorillaz… slightly.


Oh… almost forgot a single one of me… em…

Yeah. I’m done.


Ok… that’s all… very bored right now… and tired. Think I’ll go to bed now. Didn’t finish that damn poem… doubt that I will. Probably not going to any ‘party’ tomarrow… as I used the last of our ice that evidently had my mom’s name on it… so then I ate a cookie out of depression… but that was my mum’s too.


Well, we all miss ya Aimee… a lot.

As for everyone else, I’ve probably bored you. Hope you all have a great Saturday.



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