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• mamma DX
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• Mushroom Kingdom
Member Since
• 2006-04-12
Real Name
• Justine... but people call me Steen
• Being a loyal Nintendo fan. I've never played anything but Nintendo consoles. If I touched a PS2 controller, my hand skin would probably melt. Sad? Perhaps.
Anime Fan Since
• I don't care anymore... but for as long as I can remember. My brother was a big influence. He got me into it
Favorite Anime
• I haven't seen an anime that I don't like. Current Favorite: Women at Work
• Make my comic into an anime series and eventually a video game... FOR NINTENDO!!!
• Drawing, video gaming, loving Roy and other red-haired, sword bearing guys, writing stories, creating stuff, and sleeping... doing nothing at times is good too.
• I am the ultimate Roy master!!! >:D naw but I luvs me sum roi
Sunday, July 15, 2007
REPOST: (and then some)
I'm missing so many things.
So many places.

Everyone loves.
Everone changes.

The world moves.
And the skies dance.

People hold hands.
People rip them back.

Caress my face.
Then slap it cold.

The world changes.

I stand as life goes by.

Everything changes and so should I.

That's a weird poem picture type thing. I thought it was an appropriate time for it.... i dunno. I'll try to tell you what happened during the summer.... (seeing as it's almost over)
-Well, I was going to leave but then I decided to stay.... OH!
-Before that Michelle stopped dating me. But that's like.... old news.
-Um, so she started dating Aimee. And they were both happy but she had to go to Alabama.
-Then she was like.... I'm staying here.
-Now she's all religious (something Michelle... well, you know obviously has a problem with)
-Aimee said she was straight and single and stuff.... see GB fiend's page for more details.
-So now.... I don't even know.
I want to say the right words... but I know I can't. Um... I guess... I know how it feels.... I know I'm bitter and selfish... but trust me, I know how it feels.

^HAHAHA! That doesn't exist, silly!^
So, Michelle, It'll get better. It doesn't seem like it at this point but... life goes on.
Aimee (I know she'll never see this) you sound happy... and, uh, I'm glad that you are but... you know. Where here... and it's... not a sin to talk to us.
Apanda... apanda, apanda, apanda! You've been such a help to me during the summmer as well as during school! ThankyouThankyouThankyou so much!

Pyro T.... you're a true friend.

I like this avatar.
So, c'mon. We're going into junior year soon.
Let's make it a good year, alright.

>Michelle, Amanda, Me

I dunno..... it's cute.

Damnit! I like this one too -_-;

^For Apanda ^_^

^Another for Apanda.... couldn't resist ^_^
I'm sorry.... one more!

Teh heheheheheh! Ok, that's it. Changing the theme. Damn Panda's are so cute!
Personally, I like red pandas ^_^

^I have that exact doll^
Lookit, I want one ^_^:

This will be Amanda and Me at Acen next year:

See you guys next time -_-

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