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Monday, April 17, 2006

Ch.1: ES2

Ch. 1

The siren rang across the town. Its screech was unavoidable. The store's window broke open, shattered glass rained on the black street. Then, out jumped a boy from the window. He was small and in his early teens. His face was sharp and he had a look of fear. He was wearing a worn jacket and a winter hat that had a skull patch on it. With his eyes closed tightly, he listened. The only thing that was audible was the slight howl of the wind and the drops of rain hitting the ground. However, he heard something else. He shot his eyes open and revealed that they were blood red. He frantically looked around and then he surged forward. Each or his running steps pounded on the slick pavement. Swerving around the corner of the shop was an older police officer taking chase. "Freeze!" the officer shouted. The boy only ran harder. His heart was pumping to a maximum. The cop, being in his early 20's ran harder as well. The police officer had the traditional cop uniform on. It was a black one only it didn't have any badges and he wasn't wearing a hat. He had blue eyes and a deep shade of black hair which was cut neatly. The boy tried to lose the cop by turning into an alley way. When he turned into it he saw that it ended with a brick wall. He changed his direction swiftly and instantly but he was intercepted by the man. "Hands up." the cop ordered, gun pointed directly at the boy's forehead. His communication radio beeped. His eyes still on the boy, he unclipped it from his belt and pushed the receive button. "Do you have him in sight, Aunama?" the radio buzzed. "Yes." "Good. Bring him in custody and for God's sake, Aunama, don't let another one get away." The cop re-attached it to his belt and grabbed for his cuffs. The boy slowly backed up. "Up. Now!" the officer demanded. The boy took one more step back and was against the wall. He looked the man in the eye. The boy had no choice. He was hungry any way. He spread his fingers out and protruded sharp claws. The boy opened his mouth, baring his fangs. The officer lowered his gun while staring at the two large white canine teeth. The boy continued slowly and began to crouch. The cop stopped backing up and held his ground. He repositioned his aim to the head of the boy. Suddenly, the boy lunged towards him with his claws first. Alarmed, he pulled the trigger hard. The boy flew back and was knocked against the wall. Blood splattered on the wall. The cop stared at the limp body. He had shot a child. The boy coughed loudly and rolled on his stomach. He leaned forward and gagged up a large amount of body fluid. He slowly got up and continued. Stunned, the cop dropped his gun and went pale. Beads of sweat rolled down his face onto his chin and neck. The boy was only a few feet away when the cop’s eyes rolled back into his head and he fainted. The cop looked around and realized he was dreaming. It was pitch black and he raised his arm to see if it was there. It wasn't. He looked forward and saw and odd looking dragon-like creature. Its scales were pure black and its eyes gleamed a ruby red. It jerked its head forward then back. It snapped at the air with its massive jaws and slashed with its sharp talons. The monster whipped and thrashed his tail as if he was attacking his prey but there was nothing else with him. It was just the monster and the cop's sight. The dragon looked directly at him when he awoke in a very cold bed. He opened his tired eyes and studied his surroundings. He was in a hospital room. He flopped his head to the right side of his pillow and closed his eyes. He still felt cold from the rain and the fear. "Good day, Zeke Aunama." said a voice. Zeke set his eyes on the old man sitting in a chair next to his bed. The older man wore a long black cloak with a red lining. Black pants and a black hat. The man was quite old. It showed in his white and silver mustache. Zeke looked at the ceiling and closed his eyes yet again. "Who are you?" The old man smiled. "I am the current commander of the ES2" Zeke opened his eyes lazily. "Is that some sort of club or something?" The man offered a very little smile for he was growing impatient. "ES2 is short for Evil.Spirit.Elimination.Squad. We search and hunt down the creatures with impure souls. Monsters and such." Zeke held his outburst of laughter inside. "Oo-k" he sniggered. "I am Irv Mitsurugi but you now call me by Sir or Commander Mitsurugi. Zeke dropped his laughter immediately. "Are you ordering me? You might not know it, old man, but I'm an officer of the law! I should be ordering you!" Zeke said angrily. Mitsurugi laughed. "Not any more. Your Lieutenant fired you this very morning. He said he grew tired of you letting the felons get away." Zeke glared at the floor, biting his lip. It was true. Every emergency that he was assigned, he blew it. "However," Mitsurugi said, "I see potential in you, boy." Zeke rolled his eyes at the word boy. Mister, sorry, Sir Mitsurugi was treating Zeke like a child all of the sudden. Mitsurugi continued. "Something odd happened to you last night, did it not?" Zeke nodded. "What you encountered wasn't a common thief. It was a demon. Zeke's heart pounded against his chest. Even though he thought it was crap, he started to believe the old man's words. He knew that the brat that he chased down last night was no human being. "The children of satin," Mitsurugi said gravely, "here on earth." "They're all offspring of the Devil?" Zeke asked. "No, no. The ES2 wiped them out awhile ago. Before we did that however, they spawned with humans and other creatures. Some even cross bred. We don't have any original children here today. Along with demons, vampires and other monsters are his children as well." "You wiped 'em all out?" Zeke asked amazed. The old man's face grew dark. "All but one. Some say that this demon was Satin's last child. He sent his child on earth to infest the world's surface with demons and monsters." Mitsurugi slouched in his chair. "And by God, he succeeded." Zeke's eyes widened. ES2, monsters, and Devil children? This all sounded like a really cool video game to him and he grew more and more excited as the man spoke. "But enough of the past, boy. My point is you saw a demon. Not many people have the Demon Eye." The man regained his posture. "And that shot of yours isn't bad at all, boy." Zeke stared at the man and thought for a moment. Then he remembered that he shot that teenaged boy between his eyes. No, Zeke thought. That teenaged demon. "So?" Zeke said casually, keeping his cool, "What are you doing here?" Misturugi sighed loudly. "I want you to join my squad to rid the world of evil spirits." Zeke lay still in the bed, considering it. "Of course," the man warned, "there will be severe training and your very life will be at stake each day that you work for me." "Yeah, whatever." Zeke thought, "Anything is better than what he was doing now. Rookie of his team. Youngest and always made fun of by the Sergeants. "Uh, heh, heh, How much will I get paid?" he asked. Misturugi smiled. "Much more than a police officer does." Zeke returned his sight to the ceiling again. More money, video game life style, and an old, weak, elderly man as a boss. What could be a better job? "OK! I'll do it, old man!" Zeke yelled with excitement. Mitsurugi glared. "That's Sir or Commander, boy. Don't make me tell you again."

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