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myOtaku.com: mamma DX

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

   Ok... well I gotta go...COMMENT!!!

Well, hi guys!
Um... I really don't know what to say besides "um". No one really said anything about my story besides my close buddies but is my story any good? Because I don't want to look like an idiot when I submit it. But I know I will. It'll go like this:

Producer guy:Hm...
Me: Yes?
Producer guy: Well...
Me: *waits*
Producer: You're an idiot.
Me:... I know...

So, do what you want. At least I'm not in denial of my idiocy(<-- I spelled that wrong didn't I...) Well, I hope you guys have a good day. Mine still sucks because I'm in school as I type this. WAAAAAHHHHH!!!

~mamma DX

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