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myOtaku.com: mamma DX

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Ch.4: Shawn's Parents

Ch 4
Shawn's Parents

Zeke emerged from the door and immediately flopped onto his mattress. "Oh, God! Finally! Bed!" he yawned. He outstretched his arms and legs and kicked off his shoes. He looked around his room. He was going to live here now. Not too shabby. "Well, at least the door leads straight to the bed." he laughed. He unbuttoned his cloak and dropped it to the floor. There was a slight jingle. He looked over, interested, and grabbed in one of the many pockets. It was the necklace. Zeke lay back down and held the odd charm above his head. Some light from the artificial moon crept in and shined on the crystal. It caused the room to appear glowing and red. The bad feelings started to come as they did in the car. Only this time the only feeling he had was that he was alone. He glanced at the empty red pillow next to him and sighed. "No women, huh?" He shoved the cursed necklace into the cloak. He turned onto his back and closed his eyes. He thought of the nurse. "I'm never gonna’ get laid here." he groaned. Soon, he drifted away to sleep.
It was dark and pouring out. Everything was how he had remembered. Except, the buildings. They towered over him, twisted and mangled. Then he heard them. The footsteps racing towards the alley ways. The moment taking him over, he yelled, "Freeze!" He ran after the noise and followed it into a dead alley where the boy turned and faced him. The boy looked helpless, all backed up against the wall. He was sweating and he had tears swelled up under his eyes. The boy started walking forward. "Ok." Zeke thought, "Here's where it'll start to make sense." He aimed his gun. He was ready for the demon this time. But, the boy just walked forward with his head bent down in shame. This was not the same after all. But Zeke held his gun high, ready for the boy to spring. The whole night flashed in his eyes. The fangs, the wound, and the boy's blood. Zeke fired. The boy's delicate body flew against the brick wall. Zeke could hear the breaking of bones on impact. The child was limp on the cement. Zeke, horrified at what he had done, quickly approached the boy and checked for a pulse. None. He opened the boy's eye. It was blue and the pupil was rather large. He checked the mouth and saw normal human teeth. Zeke dropped his head. He had killed a child. Zeke lifted the boy up into his arms and started walking back to where he left his police car. "Is this what really happened?" Zeke thought. He remembered fainting. Is this what happened after? How was he going to inform his fellow officers? His Lieutenant. The boy's parents.
He looked down at the boy's face. The boy was awake, wide awake. He scratched at Zeke's head. He dropped to the ground holding his slit face. "Stay calm!" Zeke shouted, trying to stop his forehead from bleeding. The boy ran towards him, claws first. Zeke grabbed for his gun but it wasn't there. The boy sliced Zeke's throat. He gagged and firmly closed the wound with his hands. The boy smiled evilly and lunged again. Unable to use his hands, he kicked the boy in the stomach. It didn't harm the child at all. He only used it as leverage to get higher up. He landed behind Zeke and grabbed his head. The boy bared his fangs and bit deeply in his neck. Zeke yelled and reached for him but he evaded as if it was nothing. The boy kept peeling flesh away from him. Blood was dripping down the boy's neck. Zeke squirmed and tried to get loose. He was losing oxygen even faster now. Zeke felt liquid oozing from his mouth and he knew that it wasn't saliva. The child, full, stood up and placed his sneaker on Zeke's neck and pressed down. "STOP!" Zeke wheezed. The boy playfully pivoted on one foot and then stomped down hard. "STOP!" The boy pulled Zeke's gun from behind his back and aimed at him between the eyes. "STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP!" The gun clicked and-
"STOP!" Zeke shouted, as he shot up from his bed. He wiped his wet forehead which was sweat covered and cold. "Damn." He slumped on the back board and let his head drop back. He had to stop thinking about that kid. It was driving him crazy that it bugged him so much. He looked over at his alarm clock and its red numbers glowed 6:00 p.m. In one more hour, Zeke would start his ES2 training. He jumped off his bed and stood up tall. His bed was a disaster. The blankets were sprawled on the floor and the pillows were wet from his sweat. It looked as if a woman had been there. He wiped his face and walked to the bathroom. He stared at the image in the mirror. He was pale and he looked practically white with his dark hair. Zeke turned the faucet on and splashed water on his face. Instead of wiping it off he let it drip down the drain. "Zeke! You there?" called a voice. Zeke quickly turned around, water flew off his face. He ran to the door and swung it open. It was Shawn. "Um, hey. I just thought I'd give you a little wake up call so you have time to get ready and stuff." Shawn stuttered. Zeke smiled and stretched his arms back. "Thanks buddy." "No problem." Shawn fidgeted in the hallway. "You can come in if you want." Shawn's face brightened. "Thanks." he said as he walked in. He looked around and sighed. "So, it's true." Shawn said, depressed. "What is?" Zeke pulled on a white shirt. "That squad members have better rooms." Zeke looked over at Shawn as he laced up his boots. "You have a bad room or something?" "Well, I live with the maintenance workers. I'm not old enough to live on my own." Zeke started to wonder. Shawn was pretty young to be working for an army-like organization. "You live here by yourself? No family?" Shawn looked down and his glasses slipped a little. "By myself." "Why are you here then? What do your parents think?" Shawn sat down on Zeke's messed up bed. He looked at Zeke. Shawn had sad eyes and looked as if he would blow away with the breeze. Zeke stopped getting ready and looked over at him. "I don't have any parents anymore. They died when I was six." "I'm sorry." Zeke apologized. Shawn said nothing. He only nodded. "If you don't mind me asking, how?" Zeke asked quietly. "Captain." he said. Zeke stared at Shawn. "Mitsurugi killed your parents?" Shawn nodded. "That stupid bastard!" Zeke shouted, enraged. "They were vampires. Well, my father was. He turned my mom into one and they lived like that for awhile until ES2 found out about them." "But still, they were your-" "ES2's top priority is the safety and protection of humans from impure souls. They had no choice. Captain came in right before my father's plan. Although she was against it, my father told my mom to bite me. To turn me into one of them. She didn't want to. I've heard it's a really painful process. My father pushed her aside and grabbed me. I was young and still a child. Crying and hitting at him. My mom was screaming for him to stop. Then Sir busted through the door with a handgun pointed at my father's heart. He shot immediately and he dropped to the ground. I fell and started to crawl to my mother but Captain pulled me away. He held me back and aimed his gun and fired. She..." He paused. "She died calling my name." Zeke slowly sat next to Shawn. "There was no other way, he told me. The thing is, though, when they came back to the scene to clean up the mess my father's body was gone." Zeke put an arm around Shawn's shoulders. "Look, if you ever need a friend, you know who to come to, right?" "Yeah." Shawn said, sorrow lifted a bit. Zeke stood up and pulled his cloak on. He opened the door and stepped out. "If you want to stay here for a little while longer, you can." Zeke said closing the door. He left it slightly opened. Shawn stood up. "Please, don't be mean to Captain, Zeke. He, he's really important to me." "Gotcha'." Zeke called back. He ran down the stairs. He was pumped and ready for the day that lay ahead. "Training here I come"

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