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myOtaku.com: mamma DX

Friday, May 19, 2006

   Well... ok

Konban wa!

JUSTINE: Well, I wanted to inform you guys of my upcoming absence. I will be gone next week on vacation. I’ll be leaving tomorrow, so this will be my last post until I return. (The following week) Uh… I’m going to Ohio. There’s a place called Cedar’s Point up there. It’s supposed to have some pretty damn good roller coasters XD. I’ll try to get some good pics so I can post them for those people who care. If you didn’t know, I’m a very crazy dare devil and I’ll do pretty much anything as long as it doesn’t kill me. So, I’m pretty excited. ALSO, THERE WILL BE NO PHILLIP!!! *gasp gasp* Phillip is my soon-to-be cousin. He’s bratty, spoiled, and is stupidly obsessed with wrestling. Oh, and he also has a “delicate” stomach. So far, all of my vacations here were with him. (They all sucked by the way) So, alright. I just wanted to post this little message so you don’t come on my site and go, “Where the hell is Justine? And that STUPID POP-UP BOX IS SO FUCKING ANNOYING THAT I WANT TO KILL SOMEONE WITH A STICK OF BUTTER!!!” So, I guess I’ll see ya’ guys’ lata’… I’m sorry… I just wanted to try to talk like that for a little… just to see what it’s like.

SKULLY: heh… heh… eh… ok, Justine. That’s enough.

JUSTINE: I… I’ll miss you guys… so much. *sob*

SKULLY: … We have to go now…

JUSTINE: Please!!! My buddies! Don’t forget me!!!

Skully: That’s it! *grabs tazer*

Question of today: #5)
Putting aside money, if you could do any cosplay right now, who would you be? Any specific reasons?
(I’d probably want to be Genis Sage from Tales of Symphonia. I really like his hair and his outfit.)

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