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myOtaku.com: mamma DX

Saturday, June 17, 2006

   Some stuff to say...

Well, the first thing is...
*don da dah!!!*

I beat RE4! I know that it's been out for awhile but you gotta cut me slack because my GC is broken. I beat it at my friend's house. For those who are playing it: the ending sucks. Capcom could have done better.

*don da dah!*


I got a new puppy!!! His name is Kimo and he is a mini american eskimo dog. He's sooo cute!

Well, I'm very bored right now. I wish I had Cubey... (my GC) Sooooooo bored....

Ummmmm... because of my boredness, screw he question of today... I have no idea what to ask... sorry.

well, hope you guys have an interesting day! I know I'm not.

~mamma DX >:D

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