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myOtaku.com: mamma DX

Friday, August 25, 2006

   (...)> '_'

Wow... well, sorry that I haven't been on lateley... (no one's probably gonna comment on this! WAH!) I've started school last tuesday and it's really slowed me down... i've been having crappy sleep patterns as well that aren't really helping either. Welll.... my Birthday is tomarrow. I really don't know what to expect... i asked my mom yesterday if she got me anything and she laughed and said no...(maybe she's joking... please?!?) oh well... i don't really care what i get as long i can sleep in.... i've been sooo tired lately and stuff. My shoulders hurt too. They just aren't ready for school, i guess. OH!!! And (dont know when... but i've colored a whole bunch of pics with a program ike photoshop so check my portfolio some time cause i might have new stuff up) Well, guess that's it. Have a great night... day... whatev.

If you could have anything right now, what would it be?

… I‘m so pathetic… … I‘m so pathetic… … I‘m so pathetic… … I‘m so pathetic…

Man... look at me.... I have to wish myself a happy birthday... Oh well, thankyou Justine!
Me: You're so welcome!
What ja' get me?
Me: ... um... I GOTTA GO DO SOMETHING!!! (runs off)

Ok, well, see you next time I can!

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