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myOtaku.com: mamma DX

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Zinke, Michelle and my very first theO friend, has showed himself!!! That's right. Zinke appeared late last night yesterday and I'm soooo happy! He said he's gonna be on more often! He's really cool and funny. (he draws awesome chibi pictures but he doesn't have a scanner to scan them..-.- Go visit zinke's site. Sign his GB, add him, whatever. You won't regret it! He's a really cool person! (You'll be seeing more of him on Michelle's as well as mine.

Whenever I see this pic, I always think zinke.

QotD *super round!*:
1) What was the most stupidest thing you did?
2) Age?
3) Tales of Symphonia or Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time?
4) Favorite band?
5) If I started putting up my stories will you actaully read it?

~my answers~

1)mine... god... was when I was playing JackAss and slid down my stair way on a snoboard and broke our glass closet door... it all happened in slow motion too... god, I'm so stupid...
2) 16, baby, 16.
3) Oohsh... hard to say... probably ToS... sorry LoZ... T-T
4) The Offspring
5) Of course I would, Justine ^^. Justine, you're so cool!

Okay, enough of my stupidity for now! You guys have a good day, ok?

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