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myOtaku.com: mamma DX

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

   Just a re-post! Don't vote if you already have!!!

Well, from what I got from a past post was that you guys would actually read my story. *don’t make me bring it back up* Well, I’m being nice enough to give you your choice here. I’ll tell you the story name, and briefly what it’s about, ok? Here we go.

1) Fate- a story mainly about mainly about looking beyond appearance or race. A group of friends find themselves in a battle between Angels, Demons, and the feared Half-breeds. A good one that I’ve been working the hardest on. Includes me ^^ and some explicit content

2) ES2- yeah… this was the one that I tried putting on before that no one seemed to care about. You guys wanna’ give it another shot or no? Hellsing style. A guy becomes a growing legend when entering the ES2, a demon eliminating squad. I like this one as well. Includes my fav original character: Zeke!

3) System Malfunction- my most recent story. About a guy who wakes up and has no idea where he is, came from, or how he got in Night’s house. A real creepy one. This contains extreme gore and naughty-ness. Some yoai as well. *even though, it’s a story and not anime… but when I thought of this, I saw anime pictures, so there!* This one keeps you guessing.

So alright, have your pick, good people. Think of this as your QotD, ok? I’ll keep this up for today until I count which story got the most requests, alright? This is the last day to do this. Ok ^^ Here’s some pics to help you… uh… get the picture of the story… you know… I sample, I suppose. From left to right: Fate, ES2, then System Malfunction

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>choose wisely, for you only get one chance<
~you guys have a good day

-mamma DX

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