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myOtaku.com: mamma DX

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

   The results are in...

Yes. They are in but very poorly... more people... vote more!!! Oh well. The important thing is that I got a result so listen well.

Don dah dah... DAH!!!

Here we go!

SYSTEM FAILURE!!! … oh??? And FATE!!!

That's right, people. We got a tie here. How exciting ^^ Well, here‘s what I‘ll do. I‘ll post the first Ch of each story and you tell me which one you want to hear more of. First one up will be System Failure.

Overveiw: A young man wakes up and finds that most of his memory was lost. Night leaves in confusion and meets up with a man named, Tye. Tye apparently was his friend before his memory was lost. So, together, they follow clues to try to find out what happened to Night. What has happened to him and why? Why is red coming out of his mouth? Where does it all lead? In each Ch, it starts out with a journal entry written by Night then it goes into the actual going-ons. It’s confusing at first but you get used to the craziness. ^^

Are you ready for the first Ch? OK!!!! Here goes!!!!

“August 14 but I don’t know for sure”

Aug 14th: Entry no. 1
Woke up. Put pants on (no pun intended.) and looked around. This place scared me but I felt safe at the same time. It was dark and this clock blared the red numbers of 3:24 a.m. There’s someone in this bed. Don’t know who she is or why she’s there. She smells dirty. Like sweat. There’s a desk. Better sit down. Messy. Plastic cups are empty. Smell bad. Crumpled paper everywhere. Opened one. A bunch of squares and numbers. Some letters. Eyes started to hurt when looking at it. Put in pocket anyway. Girl moaned. Sensation in my throat. Wanted to lay down next to her and do things. Decided not to. Don’t know who she is. Small card on top of computer screen. Turns out to be driver’s license. A pic of a young man. Blonde hair w/ green spikes. Spiked down not up. Small glasses. Ears pierced to much. Looks like he could be a magnet on a fridge. Notice mirror on wall. Look in. This man is me.

Wait… what? I walked closer to the wall mirror then looked deeply at this man. Then, I quickly looked at the license. They both were the same. I read the card to myself in my head.
Name: Gregory Night
Eyes: Blue
Sex: Male
Hair: Blonde
Date of birth, social security number, ect. What is going on?, I’m thinking. I stuff the card deep into my baggy pants pocket. I look back at the mirror. It’s the same exact man in the card and this is me but it doesn’t look familiar. I look around in the dark room, scared. Where is this place? Why am I here? My head started to throb so I grabbed it in both hands and knelt down to ease the pain.
“Who? What? Where? Find your own answers!” a voice said aloud.
My eyes widened and I looked up from the ground and over at the girl sleeping in the bed. She didn’t stir whatsoever. Who’s there? Nothing gave me a response. I pulled my head down tighter. Someone’s talking to me but where is he? Is he a coward? Or is it me, the one huddled to this stained carpet? I slowly got up. I’m not a coward. Weird. When the word coward entered my thoughts I felt horrible. Terrible pain that I won’t be able to bare. I won’t be a coward, not just yet… I stood up and walked over to a door. I reluctantly opened it and inside was a toilet. Out of all of the things I can remember, it has to be the place where you shit and piss. I stepped inside and closed the door quietly. It’s dirty in here too. Whoever used the toilet last didn’t flush and there were toilet paper roll tubes in a pile next to a garbage bin instead of inside. With nothing else to do, I picked them up and put them where they belonged. I stood up too quickly and I bumped my head on something hard. The sink. I looked at the cream white countertop. I was almost knocked out by the smell. Stepped over to it. It was filled halfway with a red liquid. It smelled bad but looked pretty nice in the white bowl of the sink. I lowered my face down to it and sipped some. It was tasteless. Who would put this crap in here? I stood there for a few seconds until my stomach had a churning feeling in it. My vision went blurry and I groped for the walls lazily. What the hell is happening? I don’t… I cant’… Before I could finish my confusing thoughts I lurched forward and a disgusting and warm liquid projected from the back of my throat. I made an unbelievably wretched sound and I couldn’t breath until it came out. I looked down at the floor. It was the red liquid that was in the sink. In fact, it was the exact same and I even smelled it to ensure my estimate. Scared, I backed up from the puddle that was spreading on the flat surface. What is this stuff? Why did it come out of me? I rushed out of the door and laid my back against the cold wall. I felt a papery substance so I got off and examined. It was a big blown up picture of a barely dressed woman. Her eyes were half open and it seemed like she was actually looking at me. Then, I looked at the girl on the bed. Is she dressed? What kind of man lives in a place like this? I decide not to look under his covers. However, I did decide to use one of his T-shirts. A black one with neon green rings around the neck and arms. I also saw a pair of shoes too so I decided to use them as well. I walked over to the front door near the computer. Damn nice computer, though, but not mine. I want to leave. I grabbed the silver door knob as gently as I can but it still made a clicking noise. The girl on the bed moaned again but this time she sat up and held the cover up to her chest. I didn’t turn my back. I’m not supposed to be here. This is not my home. Not mine. So, I continued to open the door but the man’s girl stopped me with her voice.
“Night? Where are you going? Are you leaving me here?” she said sadly.
Don’t turn around. She’s looking for Night. I don’t belong here. I need to leave. I opened the door and stepped outside. I turned around, curious. The girl’s eyes turned angry and she clutched a pillow and threw it at me. I let it hit me because I had a feeling that It wouldn’t hurt and it didn’t.
“Why are you ditching me all of the sudden? You didn’t have a good time last night?” she whined.
“Are you talking to me?” I choked.
I was startled by my own voice. It’s like I had never heard it before. She looked up offended.
“Night, are you still drunk?”
“Night, I’m worried. Do you need a doctor?”
“Night’s not here. I’m sure he’ll come back if you wait for him.” I said as I shut the door.
She yelled something but I couldn’t understand her voice. It wasn’t as strong or loud as mine. Night must be a real jerk, leaving a girl naked in his room. I walked down the stairs and noticed a lot of other doors. Did other people live here too? Not wanting to know if other disgusting people lived here, I walked up to the door. Next to it was a rack with a lot of keys dangling from it. I wanted to take one but I felt weird. There was one pair that had two keys on it. A long one with a black handle and a short silver one with no handle. There was a dog tag on it. It said it belonged to a man named Gregory Night and it had his address engraved on it. I grabbed those because they looked nice and I wanted Gregory to feel bad about the girl. I walked out and into the street. The girl called again.
“Night, please don’t leave me!”
The girl started to annoy me so I ran up to a bunch of cars. One specifically caught my eye. It was black with a purple stripe running along the side as if it was petting the automobile. I looked down at Night’s keys and tried putting the black one into the car’s keyhole. It fit and it turned as well. I opened the door and a much softer smell came out. Much better than Night’s home, anyway. Smelled like fruits and made me feel pleasant. I slowly sat down into the driver’s seat and again took the black key and pushed it in yet another keyhole. I turned it downward and the car roared. The sound was loud and startling but familiar. I guess I remember how to drive too. Sorry Night. Just borrowing you car you bastard. I switched the stick shift into drive and started to move into the bigger street when the girl ran through the front door. Her black hair was messy and she still wasn’t dressed. She was only covered by the blanket. She screamed this time. So loud that it rang in my ears for awhile.
I drove off, faster than I wanted to. She was annoying and loud. I looked up and saw my first stoplight. It was red like the liquid but at least I remembered what to do. During this free time I thought. About the girl and how she spoke to me.
I can’t remember, but, am I… Night?

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