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Friday, October 6, 2006

   Second Ch Ahoy!

Well, one more Ch until this story goes up on some sort of organized fic-site, so if you want to continue reading this don't fret. I'll anounce System Failure's new home soon.

Here goes:

Speak the way I want you to, Man in the backseat

Aug 14th: Entry no. 2
Wow… very confused right now. In car. In parking lot. She kept calling me Night so maybe I am Night. But why can’t I remember this? So, Night’s house and car are mine. I am Night. It feels like I never had name before. Hungry. Very hungry. What does Night like? Could eat anything right now. Checking out car. Smells very nice. Open glove compartment for food. None just more crumpled paper and notepad. Decided to write in notepad. Wrote about when I woke up and writing about now. Other things are written in book. Read them later. Now, I decide to write about what’s going on. Paper balls fall out of glove compartment. Night is a slob. Why? Why was I such a slob before. What’s making me feel differently? Looks like I enjoyed being dirty. Didn’t care. But I care now. Trying hard to think. To remember. Anything. Did not know the girl. Did not know the red liquid. Did not know self. Thinking hurting head. Had to grab it again and lean downwards into lap. Feels better this way. Not so hungry anymore but tired. Cannot lay in front seat so climb into backseat. Man there. Sleeping. Is this Night… no… forgot. I’m Night. Then who is this man? He looks young. My age. His face very slim and has black hair that has some blue. Look at license. Not same. Like girl, did not know this man. But seemed to. Hard to explain. Still tired. Don’t want to wake up man. So, decided to lay next to him. He made noise and turned facing me. Still asleep, put arms around me. Wanted to move. Felt weird. He wouldn’t let go. Used my voice again but nothing happened. I faced away from him and decided useless so went to sleep. Write more in morning.

The sun rose high and bright so I had no choice to open my eyes and get up. But I couldn’t. The man was still hugging me. I tried to use my voice again.
“I don’t like you touching me.” I said strongly.
The man stirred a little. He made a smacking noise with his lips. After, though, he continued to sleep. Why is my voice not working? My voice is useless. This young man was a bit smaller than me but had an amazing grip. I tried to struggle but it didn’t work. I remember that the girl threw a pillow at me. Maybe I should throw something at this man? Sadly, there was nothing in the car to throw. So, instead, I leaned over him and threw my fist. Hit him fairly hard on his chest. He immediately shot up and held his head. Did I hurt him? Why’s he holding his head? I do that when I’m hurting. He regained his posture and fluffed his jet black hair. Then he looked at me and said nothing. He looked at me as if he was waiting for me to speak but I didn’t because my voice doesn’t work. He looked down confused and his upper cheeks turned a pinkish color.
“Night, you aren’t gonna’ yell at me for crashing in your car?” he said.
I was surprised at his voice. Why does his voice work and not mine? Even so, I liked his voice. It was calm and was just barely noticeable as a man’s. He sounded like a teenaged boy. I decided to try my voice out again.
“You didn’t crash it.”
“Ha! Very funny” he said quickly after I spoke.
I smiled. I was glad that he could hear me. I wanted to talk even more but he started before me.
“So… how was Ms. Goth?”
“Ms. Goth?”
“Don’t play dumb with me. I hooked you two up at the bar last night!” he whined.
I just stared at him. Why is everyone asking me questions? I’m the one who needs the answers!
“Hm… did it not go well? Did you have sex with her?”
I continued to stare. Not only is he still asking me questions but he’s asking ones that I don’t even understand.
“I don’t know.” I replied blandly.
“Ah… wait. What?”
“I really don’t know what you’re saying.” I told him.
“C’mon man, are you hung over? Did you get off with her?”
“Are you talking about the girl who kept screaming Night?”
“Heh heh. Ok, now we’re getting’ somewhere… but why are you in your car, though?”
“She was too loud and annoying.”
“No kidding? Well, another down the drain, I guess?”
He’s still talking nonsense. Why does nobody speak the way that I understand?
“I’m sorry but I don’t know who you are.”
He looked at me oddly but then he laughed.
“Ok, bud! I’ll get you through this hangover! I’m your best buddy, Tye!”
“My best buddy?”
“Yeah, you know. We’re good friends. Knew each other since childhood.”
I got excited! He knew the previous Night!
“I don’t know If I’m hung over but when I woke up last night I couldn’t remember anything. I didn’t even know who I was or where I was.”
“Hm… and you still don’t?”
I shook my head no.
“Geesh… some hang over, huh, Night? How ‘bout we see if Ms. Goth is still at your place? Maybe you could have some fun and it’d flood back to you? But if you don’t want to, do you have anything that might help you remember something?”
Let’s see. I have the image of a red filled sink, dirtiness, and lots of crumpled paper. Oh and-
“Well, I found this.” I said as I grabbed the note pad. He took it and flipped threw the pages quickly. Then he smirked a little.
“I didn’t know you had a diary.” he laughed.
“Will it work?” I asked, staring to get annoyed when he laughed.
Was he laughing at me?
“You know what? I’d rather read through this myself! I want to see what a 23 yr old man writes about in a diary”
“Will it help me?”
“Sure, Night. Whatever.” he said as he opened the book and started reading.
“Should we see if Ms. Goth is at my house?”
“Mm hm.” he mumbled.
Okay… we’ll go back to filthy Night’s house to see Ms. Goth. I wish it was somewhere else, though. That place makes me want to hold my head. As I drove back from where I came, Tye just read the little book.
“Okay, I’m gonna’ read this out loud so you listen, alright?” he said.
Before he started, he reached in his tight pants pocket and grabbed a small wrapped object. It was a ball on a white stick. He quickly removed the wrapper and revealed a small blue sphere. The electric color matched his bright eyes. He popped it in his mouth and said:
“Alright, let’s get this party started.”

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