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myOtaku.com: mamma DX

Thursday, October 26, 2006

   Oops, again with the theme…

Yeah, I am aware that I haven’t posted and stuff, but maybe you’ve seen me commenting here and there? Hopefully? Well, sorry if I’m not… I’ve been having these weird things goin on… I know this sounds weird, but search for identity is what is happening to me… I love drawing and I think I’m… decent… at it, but I can honesty say that I can’t make a living on this. My mom is making me sell some of my drawings at a craft show and I’m gonna hate this so much… there will be portrait sketchers, landscape painters, then you’ll have me doodling on notebook paper… eh…

For those who didn’t know, you are your toughest critic… I hate my drawings a lot… oh and no pity comments, please. I’ve been trying really hard this week at trying to draw better but It’s not *fidget* really working out. ALSO, I’m not the type to… stereo type or anything but one of my friends asked me if I was emo… and… What? I mean… what? The last time I was aware, emo was a type of music was it not? Then it was a style and now it’s kind of like a diss or something. He said that it wasn’t said to make me feel weird, he said I dressed emo but didn’t act like it. Well, I dress like I do because I prefer not to dress in pretty pinkness. So, sorry about that too.

What else… well, obviously, I’m going to post more about my life and stuff now… normally I just posted about crap and new themes and stuff. So, this might cause boredom is certain individuals, so sorry again… *I sound like zinke… saying sorry so much ^^* And speaking of themes… I changed mine again… I KNOW! Why? I don’t know, actually… I’d love to keep the same theme all the time, but I guess I haven’t discovered it yet. I want to do another Sanji one… he was my very first theme on here as mamma DX. I know next month will be Wii and I’ve always wanted a Jack Spicer theme but there’s no Jack avas or backgrounds. Hm… I forgot how much I loves Jack…

It‘s supposed to be Jack and RoboJack but one looks more like Kratos to me ^^

Wow… that’s another thing… I’m realizing that… *this also sounds stupid* I’m getting older… I’m losing interest in things that I don’t want to. I need to go out and do silly stupid crap again so I won’t forget how fun it is. Hm… well, by now you are probably going “What the hell is up with Justine today?” that’s ok. I’m asking the same thing. NO PITY COMMENTS!!!… well, only if you have a brownie to go with it ^^ This has to be my longest and most boring-est post ever.

That’s all… OH, Wait! The question of the day before I leave.

QotD: What is your perception on emos? Even if you’re not in school and stuff? What is your view on that word in which everyone speaks? I’d just like to know.

(my answer… At first I just thought it was a style but now I don’t know… I was on youtube and I was startled at all of these people saying that emo people suck and should die… and I asked what is an emo person and they replied “in short… a fag.”)
…I hate people like this…. It makes me want to blah.

Ok, if you love me and haven‘t visited this site, sign her GB for me… I need the entertainment.

Oh… and here and… here too… Thanks.

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