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myOtaku.com: mamma DX

Friday, October 27, 2006

   Woo… well, that was tiring.

Well, first of, thanks for all of your input yesterday. I appreciated it all and… damn it… ZINKE!!! I SAID NO PITY!!! Well, oh well ^^ zinke pity is rather cute. If your wondering about the title of this post just wait…. Ok, now I’ll tell you. I just got finished deleting some of my older more horrible drawings. But, It was a good workout and it’s preparing a nicer environment for my newest babies…

I’m in the process of three and have several ideas for some but you see, I’m lazy, so don’t expect to get them all at once. Anyway one is of a dude angel all covered in bandages. It’s ok but I suck at drawing bodies… especially nude ones… DON’T GET EXCITED!!! All of the good parts are covered. ^^ Yes, I’m a perv. Ok, the next one is some vampire with some sort of mask on. This was inspired by Michelle and that one pic she has on her site… and her art… and her story. Now let’s all bask in Michelle’s greatness for awhile…

*shoves you people out of her greatness*

And the third one is of Dex with a weird scar/curse on his face. It from when Karai dies… poor Dex. About my ideas, yeah, I have many. I definatley want to do a Jack Spicer one… preferably with Chase… in a cutesy pose. And I also want to *this one has been bugging me for awhile* draw Sanji in a ponytail, so you can see both eyes. That’d be freaky and cute and scary. An awesome mixture of personality, I think. Hm…

Wow, sexy.

I… aM… So… TemPteD tO… ChanGE… ThEmE… AGAIN!!! RAAAARRRGGHHH!!! WanT tO… dO… HELLSING!!!

Halloween is sneaking up… what are your plans for that candy filled night?

(MY ANSWER IS…oops… sorry, caps lock still on. My answer is to hopefully go out as Mario and hang/get candy/ hug/ video game with Michelle, who, will be my bro, Luigi… AND… if things work out, we’ll be getting a visit from zinke, who will be dressed as Princess Peach!!! Ahahaha!!! Zinke! You’re hilarious!)

Also sexy ^^

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