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myOtaku.com: mamma DX

Friday, November 3, 2006


Well, Just sneaking on for a quick post. Well, obviously my theme is…
Don dan dah!
That’s right, people… it’s Wii month this month. If you click on that button up there in my profile, it’ll take you to Wii.com. A whole bunch of vids are there showing people using a Wii for the first time… it’s just so great… They’re all awed and smiling and stuff. Check it out… hm… what else… Well, how about a Wii vid for you guys? I’m addicted to this vid… It's for the new Wario Ware game. So far all of the WarioWare series are extremely fun and stuff. This one shall be no different... in fact even better.

Um, yeah. That’s all.

Only a little while longer until I get my home computer back. ^^

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