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myOtaku.com: mamma DX

Monday, November 13, 2006


So bored. Sorry, I really don't know what to say. I've been trying to draw bodies and hands latley because my art skills lack in that area. I recently got an account on a yaoi art site, so... I'm gonna need to draw bodies obviously.

Um, I really REALLY want to change my theme but I promised that I wouldn't change it untill the 19th (Wii day) But, maybe I'll change it to something Wii related... like Twilight Princess or something.

On another matter, if you're freaked that I like yuri or yaoi... I really don't care. You see, some people are fans of certain anime and obsess over it, but not me. I'm a complete otaku. I focus myself on all anime, no matter the genre or what not. I mean, If you were to look on my DVD shelf you'd be surprised. I have Hellsing and Galaxy Angel sittin next to eachother. I'm just mezmerized by the anime style and appreciate all styles, be it yuri or yaoi.

Hm... yeah. I think that's it. I might be changing the theme then, so don't get freaked out by that either... (geez, I seem to be freaky lately for some reason...)

QotD: Do you focus on a certain anime, anime style, or anime genre?

(my answer is in the post)

Ok, bye bye friends ^^

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