Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Age: 16
Weapon: Long Katana
Rank: Missing Nin from Hidden Star
Attitude: I think you might just be Shikamaru's double! You always have a bored and lazy look about you, no matter your life is anything but! Being a Nukenin (Missing-Nin) isn't all flowers and chocolate! I mean, you have to deal with DEIDARA of all people! Talk about trying to talk your ear off! You'd rather be sleeping all day than fighting, but with your split personality that loves the thrill of the fight, you don't get to sleep as much as you want! Your ideal guy is Itachi! You get along best with Shikamaru and Hinata! Your enemies are Kakashi, Deidara (for trying to talk you to death), and Kabuto!
Village: Hidden Star Village
Most Admirable Trait: Split Personality
Least Admirable Trait: Laziness... and your Split Personality -_-*
Naruto- Thinks you're a lazy bum.
Sasuke- Wants to kill you, end of story.
Sakura- Finds you weird for hanging out with Itachi.
Hinata- Think you're her best friend!
Shino- Hates you for killing his bugs.
Ino- Thinks you have low blood sugar.
Shikamaru- Says you're his 'Lazy Partner in Crime'
Chouji- Has tried to make you eat sugar...
Kimimaro- Finds you cute, but would still like to kill you.
Tayuya- Hates you with her entire being. (GO RED HEADS!)
Sakon/Ukon- Want. To. Bite. You.
Deidara- Thinks you're his therapist!
Itachi- Actually doesn't mind you being lazy. Secretly admires your carefree attitude.
Neji- Finds you to be alright since you believe in karma and fate.
Rock Lee- ...you should have figured out this answer by now...
TenTen- Likes to wake you up to be evil.
Temari- ...Tried to put your hair in pigtails and vows to one day succeed...
Gaara- Couldn't care less...
Kankuro- was to busy playing with his barbies to answer!
Haku- Thinks you're sweet.
Sasori- Wants to hug you for trying to strangle Deidara.
Kisame- Thinks you and Itachi have fucked like rapid bunnies!
Iruka- Has never met you.
Kakashi- Will one day gag you with a spork!
Zabuza- Thinks you're an ally since Kakashi hates you.
Kurenai- Was to busy trying to stuff your pills down your throat to respond.
Jiraiya-...PERVERT... His answer was to vulgar to write! XD
Orochimaru- Wants you as his next host body, but won't touch you near Itachi.
Tsunade- Wants to beat you with a kangaroo.
Sarutobi- Thinks you're a nice girl... sometimes.
Yondaime- Wants to poke your eye in with a sharpie.
Kabuto- Wants to take his medical needles and poke you to death!
Asuma- Agrees with Chouji!
Genma- Thinks you need to get off your lazy ass.
Hayate- Was busy being dead.
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