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Sunday, July 17, 2005

   WHINE...It's so dial up
Well, I have to admit the commercial is right, uploading pictures is a trip, taking a very long time with my dial up service, and sometimes, I can't even get a connection because of high demand. So I can only get online early morning, or late night, and when I have to stay overnight (either my back goes out, or its my turn on standby, I don't get online at all), well that frustrates me. I got a notebook (at least I can try a cafe when its my turn for on standby}. Never used a hotspot before. And I can at least work on pictures with the notebook.

Computer gurus...help me./ Which is faster, more secure... high speed cable or DSL? HELP!!!!

I'll be getting around to sites a little later...Housework awaits, but the challenge has been a major flare of sciatica (my back and leg) and my hand. Need more hotpacks, and wrap.

What animes are people watching? I think my Trigun and Bebop DVD are pretty well worn.. but if they were tapes, they would be gone by now. I've been watching Paranoia Agent.... and it is different! Kinda interesting, and Samurai Champloo. If you listen close, one character has Spike's voice, and if Spike were in the Edo period, it would really be appropriate.

Big M is on another trip.. he zips about on a moments notice. This Saturday, our only nephew is getting married, and we will be taking pictures. Getting a dress was a big deal as I never wear dresses-- always pants. This will be a hoot!

Well, if anyone has suggestions re: cable vs DSL, I would appreciate your help.

You are great friends, and I am embarassed at on again off again, but I am trying something new , so I dont lose touch. Enjoy your weekend!

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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Sultry summers
Wowsers! We have been over 100 degrees for 3 days now, and it is humid for California! I'm glad the July 4th was a lot cooler. Worked late, so I went to Barnes and Nobles near work, had some chai tea, and just put my feet up, surrounded by wonderful books of all kinds--- who ever cooked up the computer books for dummies, I could hug them! There's a lot of little things that twist me up, and it is spelling, missing a character, or plain not knowing! So I got a book on Windows XP simplified, and Office Works. When business was done, time to look at fun stuff-- manga, and then I found another great book of how to knit little animals-- there was a little penguin that was too cute, so I treated myself to make one of those later. After all, if my nephew and his impending wife decide to have a baby, I could make a little toy! Two friends at work recently had babies, so when I complete Charlie's blanket, I think I'll see if I can knit something simple.

Here's 2 more cosplayers from AX:

and of course:

Watch out for this crazy weather with storms and lots of things-- take care!

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Here we go again....
Reluctantly, truly back to reality. Later this month, my hephew is getting married, so Big M and I will be helping to shoot the wedding, so I am gathering equipment for the digital. The manual camera, my old friend, is a bit to heavy, so I keep taking pictures with the digital

Congratus to Kitsune Tsuki for persistence, hard work and smarts to get her certification in super duper computer stuff! Me, I hange garlic in the room, because I feel like all the electronics I own is possessed.

My new neighbors are truly sweethearts, and had invited my Sunday for a barbeque. It is so nice seeing the other neighbors come out and mingle , take a stroll after dinner, the canyon is so pretty.

Still knitting blankets, making number 6 for my daddy Charlie (sam) as he moved to a new place in Florida. I have given 5 blankets to our homeless project. Will photograph number 5 (ready to give) and number 6 when done. These are all queen size! Keeps my hands busy, helps me think.

Another AX picture: (have been loading to my storage sit little by little)

View of exhivit room form the floor, you see all kinds of things, hear all things, and go into a wonderful explosion of colour, sound and imagination come real!

Love and peace--

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Sunday, July 10, 2005

One picture is worth a thousand words....
Imagine a weekend filled with BOTH Anime Expo and Disneyland's 50th Anniversary... let my camera talk:

We'll start with the sublime, then mosey down to the darker and ridiculous:

Of course, Disneyland had beautiful fireworks:

And of course, (you might think twice about staring at the last photo... Man Faye !)

I'll be continuing to add more photos, including some from Disney 50th. I'm making a little album to have fun memories on hand, when days are long.

Wishing a great afternoon for my wonderful friends. If the weather is OK, go outside and visit Mother Nature... as an earthmother I plan to do that to refresh my soul.

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Saturday, July 9, 2005

And now, characters on parade
AX was so fun! The best was meeting up with friends from MyO, but it is photographers heaven! So, here are some of the characters. This year there was a back area to take pictures without the crowd in the way. It was a great way to raise charity funds (voluntary donations-- and for great causes like City of Hope) The exhibit hall was teeming with otakus of all ages, great giveaways, plushies and toys, and of course then the midnight movie screenings, places to learn origami, elements of how to draw and color manga charas, and even to learn games like go!

When I asked "Bender" if I could take his picture, the first thing he did was turn around, and bend over slightly, as if to say his famous line.... well, you know it!

Just a little sample of beutiful origami! I'll be at that workshop next year!

One of my favorite subjects to photograph this year was Man Faye! There was a ham in front of the camera, and in back! After the first pose, I decided that I was as much a photographer as Man Faye is Faye, but it is so fun to start yelling " yeah, that's good, the camera loves you, go with it , have fun with it, smile... well by the time it finished, Man Faye started dancing. Panda put it best- "shudder" Things were shaking that should never have moved, things were seen that should never have seen daylight!

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Friday, July 8, 2005

   Hit ting the Ground Running
Whew! This has been the most jammed packed, chock full of fun weekend, I feel I'm still sailing despite work being incredibly fast paced after July 4th weekend. I went to AX and Disneyland's 50th Anniversary. Despite living in Anaheim for 10 yrs, I have never been to Disneyland before! Oh yes, about my friend and the airport-- her plane broke down, she was re-routed to California via Las Vegas with a several hour delay. I waited until 1 AM at the airport. Some of the people on her flight got there (she was supposed to have ridden on an Airbus which is huge- so 1/3 passengers went on a small plane, most were re-routed so seeing only a small number of people alarmed me). She found a car rental just about to close, but got a car and drove to my house, the bell ringing loudly at 3 am. I was so happy everything was OK, it didn't bother me to have to go to work the next day !

AX and Disneyland-- a feast for the eyes, joy for the heart, meeting up with Panda and Novapup, and meeting TheMouse ! Yes, and lots of pictures including "shudder" the absolutely infamous Man Faye! It's 10 pm and I just finished the last report for the day. Music CD from Bebop playing, and just letting my legs relax and stretching, swaying to good bluesy jazz. Still haven't completed downloading photos-- including fireworks! To be continued....

Vash: That isn't nice, don't leave people hanging to see the pictures.

Kenshin: This one thinks the Spikey Haired one cannot have the patience to wait for images....

Kuroneko:(cat rolls on floor laughing)

Vash: What? What's with the cat?

Jet: (also rolling on floor laughing) I think Kuroneko just found the Man Faye pictures...
(and Bender, the Robot)

Wishing universal peace to good friends-- with the worlds strife, natures raging (wild fires in California and tropical storms and hurricanes). Today, lets all do something radical--- practice a random act of kindness-- share a cookie, hold a friend's hand or give them a big hug and let them know how glad you are that they are here. Look around you at a wild flower, see its vibrant color and its fullness of life. Peace starts with each of us, and a small sharing that keeps on being shared.... I have lit my 2 candles, and placed them in the window, to send out a little wish for my friends to have something good to experience tomorrow, and hope that the international strife can settle a little bit .

Sweetest of dreams tonite.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Upside Down Cake
I seem to always get stuff mixed up! My friend is flying in tonite, and there was no confirmation of whether she was renting a car and driving, or needs a ride. So I guess I will go to the airport, wait, hold a sign, and hope it works out straight. We have not seen each other in several years, so she has never seen my spiky blond hair (I used to wear a Pixy hair cut for years.) This should prove to be pretty funny. I am not tall, but those spikes are now because I haven/t had it cut in 3 months! In part because I have thrown the back out a couple of times... sometimes couldn't get to work. I am beginning to feel like the humanoid typhoon!

I will try to get by to sites...:blush: sorry haven't been around too much!

Guess the caption for this little picture of my parrot is "Would you repeat that, because I'm afraid I chewed up the pencil" Parrots chew anything made of wood into toothpicks!

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Monday, June 20, 2005

Return to Reality ?
The weekend was beautiful-- no smog or fog or rain. I went out into the backyard to do some simple things. Like get rid of some weeds. With my back, can't bend over and pull, but AHA I have an old weed popper I shove in the ground , then step on. Nothing is more tenacious than desert weed, I popped and popped. With the last stomp, the weed ( that looked like an odorless bush of scallions) came flying out , and showered me with dirt clods ! Natures reminder to never underestimate an unassuming plant! I have 2/3 of a bedspread for Charly (my biologic Daddy-O) done, I am working on the last panel. The den is cool enough to knit even in summer, and it has been a sanity saver!

Well, here are some local blooms-- I am beginning to learn to enjoy the sun when it is out.... seems every one is getting wacky weather this year.....

What anime have people been watching? I guess I have to add Yu Gi Oh and Ghost in the Shell... but if you have never seen Patlabor 1 and 2, the movies, they are pretty good! But Trigun and Bebop are still my top favorites, and especially Yoko Kanno's music!

My freinds, wishing you relaxation and a fun break--- maybe a picnic (even if indoors), or a community show (July 3rd is usually Fireman's Pancake breakfast, maybe I'll see if I can help out).

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Saturday, June 18, 2005

And the travels continue
Well, with the weather that seems to follow me everywhere I go, I should change my name to Joe Blfstk! When I arrived at my conference, it rained 8" and several streets around the hotel had to be closed! The conference was held in Boca Raton, at a very old and elegant hotel-- its a large group and few places can accomodate such a big group with so much going on. I arrived tired and cranky-- long distance flights and high humidity are not my favorites, but I met up with 2 close friends. The conference is at this location every year for the past 15 years--- and sometimes I just love familiarity , being casual, but surrounded by beautiful things. This was the view from the window of my room:

There are many beautiful wood carvings everywhere, including the ceiling, and pillars in the lobby--

It was very rainy, I forgot the charger and extra battery for the camera... yes, if you look in the dictionary under disorganised you'll see Mamma's picture. But I often discover surprises, even on familiar turf and will be posting pictures. Shortly after I returned, we had some earthquakes that got my attention. During one I was in bed watching TV-- I thought the bedframe was going to shake apart-- the poor parrots were scared silent for 3 hours! The second quake happened during a meeting at work! Everyone scrambled for the floor... it was like a roller coaster, but no damage or injuries. Well, guess this will spur me on to get rid of some old boxes and things to reduce the clutter in my garage and the home office ! Some day , I'll learn to get organized. But meanwhile, I'll enjoy my knitting and anime!

Wishing my friends azure skies, lazy days, and happy discoveries!
If you are going to AX, I would love to meet up with you there. I live in Anaheim , California. Yes, believe it or not, I have never been to Disneyland though I have lived in Anaheim for 10 years!

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Thursday, June 2, 2005

Another Trip
Doesn't take long to have to shift into high gear fast. (at work) I know I go too fast when reports get misplaced, I leave my lunch home, etc. Well, around here that's basically business as usual.

I want to thank everyone for all the encouragement and kindness. You all have been the candle in the darkness.

Next week I'll be going to a conference. The nice thing is it is totally casual-- shorts etc-- no business suits. And I will be meeting up with some colleagues from a long time ago! (over a decade....) So they have not seen the spikey hair do. That will be good for some laughter. My biologic daddy (nicknamed Charley though his name is Sam) is moving in July, so I am trying to finish a blanket for him, and send him a decadent big down pillow for the new apt. I want to spoil him while I can. Big M is away. The conference is in Boca Raton, FL. Vash wants a coconut, because Kenshin promised to open it correctly. It will be a good break as I have not been able to attend for the past 5 years. Must find my big hat!

Big HUGS to all-- will be adding some pictures later!

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