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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Music music music!
Ah, I"ve found some musical treats! When I went out yesterday, I found more CD by Yoko Kanno, who did the music for Cowboy Bebop! If you like jazz, Bebop is superb. Some one told me she did music for .hack/sign-- the CD is wonderful. As I listened to it , I saw a shooting star, and the combination was breathtaking!

Does anyone play a musical intstrument-- I play piano a little, and also play a little wooden recorder (kind of a flute)but I can't pick out a tune by ear. I found a superb site called WWW. animescores.com You can download sheet music from many anime, and find other neat stuff there related to anime and music! I got some excerps from Bebop for piano, and the tune "stories to Tell " from Trigun. Hoot! I found something new on the Net.

Vash: if you think I'm impossible on a sugar high, you ought to see Mamma on a music high!

Jet: Oh , no! GYAAA! Is that Mamma wearing saddle shoes and bobby sox?!!

Kuroneko: At least you weren't treated to the hip hugger bell bottoms and sandals!

I hope everyone can find some musical cheesecake tonite. What do you all enjoy? I also love classical-- and the 3 B's are my favorites. But hard to play Bach with a hand brace!

Love and peace!

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Sunday, December 12, 2004

Holy cow ! I cannot believe how tired I have been for about 3 days! I could barely keep my eyes open, and very little was accomplished. I decided to just listen to my body and sleep, do things slowly, and I have finally started to come back up to speed. I completed my bedroom set by getting the tempurpedic mat -- that is so soft! I wanted to do a lot more with the house, but fatigue got me. Oh, well!

What special things are people planning for the holidays, and what special traditions do you have? I have always been the cookie baker -- that's the thing I do best with cooking, biscotti of course, and several other European cookies. I like to make them for New Years, and try to make some for our neighbors.

Well, time to prepare for work tomorrow. I've put the candle in the window wishing my friends love, peace, and serenity. May you all dance through the galaxy in your dreams.

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Saturday, December 11, 2004

An Average Day
Things have been real busy at work, so that when I get home, I just fall asleep. Glad for weekends! I found a booklet of how to make little knit dolls, and one of them is a Christmas angel , so I put it on my site as holidays are coming! Still working on the blankets for the homeless program. I'll take a picture when finished.

Thanks for all the great books people recommended! I'm making a reading list, because they sound so interesting. It would be interesting to shares views on a book with people, but I am not sure how to do that. If anyone is interested, or knows how to do that, please let me know. Regarding new manga, I found one called Aria, about gondoliers on Mars. The art is quite beautiful.

The temp has warmed up again, it was 72 F ! I guess Santa Claus will be wearing shorts here in So. Cal!
Call me retro, but I am amazed how hard it is to find some non-digital, non-electronic items. Big M loves photography, and he's really good at it. He only uses film, for the softer effects he can get. He wanted a filter for his camera that makes lights appear light starbursts. I have 2, they are the wrong size. Because of my bad wrist and thumb, I have difficulty in using my beloved Nikon camera (totally manual, and I love the effects I can get-- I will have to get a shoulder mount to use it, and none are available. So I have been using a very little digital camera for my photos) The camera shop we used to go to now only handle digital stuff----today I found a wonderful camera shop that has everything. It is huge! And the filter was in stock! Yay! I can hardly wait to see how he reacts! I like to give presents, I love to see the expression on peoples faces when they get them. This year though the holidays came so fast that I did not get to finish up all the hand made things I wanted to give. So they will be for birthdays instead.

Caprice, thank you so much for the advice on stress. It's a wonderful web site www.flylady.com There's great suggestions there to put a little more positive spin on things and a little more cheer.

I found 2 great electric candles, and the bulbs flicker like real candle flames, and they have a sensor to turn on when the light dims. I have an electric candle that I put in the window, when I am thinking of friends, and want to send a wish-- for health, or peace, or joy. And I am looking for a pillow top for the bed. I have several big thick fluffy pillows I recently got, just like the ones in New Orleans. It was like floating on a soft cloud. So I guess that I will look for that in my travels. I will get around to visit tonight!

I wish love and peace, and happy surprises and joy to my friends during this season. You are all wonderful, and deserve the best.

As others have posted their pictures, I will post a snapshot of Mamma Vash and another New Orleans picture.

Yes, I really do wear short spikes in my hair, not cosplay.

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Thursday, December 9, 2004

Busy Season
Seems like everyone has been real busy. I seem to have a lot of little odd jobs, but it leads to frittering time, waiting for things. Tomato is getting tuned up and a new battery. I am determined to beat the battle of clutter. Just another average today , but it seems to go fast.

not much else for today. I will be posting a picture from Bebop-- will sign off as I'm falling asleep while I type.

Beautiful dreams, for wonderful friends.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Lights ! Camera!--- wait, I want a snooze !
We're continuing to have cooler weather, and I feel like a cat that just wants to roll up in a warm place and snooze! When the family went to New Orleans, the hotel had these wonderful HUGE fluffy pillows, that you would slowly settle into. Like sleeping on a cloud! So I went to the store and found 2 huge lovely pillows. Ah, so soft--- makes it hard to get out of bed because I feel like I'm floating on them. I guess it makes me feel like a princess (until I get up, and realize that Jeeves doesn't work her, tis me that cleans the castle LOL !) Thanks for response on what people are reading! When I find an author I like, everything is great, until I have finished everything they wrote! Sometimes it hard finding new things to read! Thanks for the ideas! You know, I wonder if people might like to have a corner to talk about what they have read? I guess it would be a virtual book club. Could be a thought.

Tomato, my car, is being a pain! The little motors that lock the doors when you press the keyring have broken down a third time! You can almost hear a mumur of laughter from the car! Oh , well it still runs!

A sweet and gentle good night to my terrific friends here on MyO, you all warm the world with creativity, art, and caring. Hoping that you dream pleasantly, and dance among the stars.

A little bit of the beach to warm up by:

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Monday, December 6, 2004

In a Weekend Frame of Mind
Back at work today, and somehow my mind wants to be on vacation. Still sauntering, rather than jogging brisksly (because things get hectic). I have finished the new poncho, and wore it in New Orleans. I'l have to get a picture and post it. The weather is going to be cool for a few days, so I guess I'll do some baking, but I have a feeling more time settling down with my reading. I like John Grisham, what authors and books do you all like?

As this is "Put your own shoes on Day" , and I am lazy, maybe its time for new sandals (I'm lucky because the weather permits sandals all year round)

The picture yesterday was a sand bar (island) when I saw it, I couldn't figure it out, because you can see the sand so far under the water.

A wonderful day to all my MyO friends!You are terrific folks! Tonite I'm going to bring some blanket squares to Michaels for warm up America project, and maybe see what new anime is available.

Here is a New Orleans street car that my family rode around on to see this wonderful city!

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Sunday, December 5, 2004

Snuggling Weather
Today is somewhat cool for So. Cal, about 46 F .. reminds me a lot of weather where I grew up back East. On cooler days, it was time to either help out baking, or staying in PJ's and snuggling up with a good book. Right now, even the parrots are content, and making happy quiet cooing noises. I've starting reading King of Torts by John Grisham on the plane, and it seems pretty good. I think I'll gather up my knitting and book and spend a very lazy Sunday aftertoon puttering around. I am going to post some pictures from my trip==

Hello and hot cocoa to Panda, Yami Loni,Caprice,Ozymandiusjones, and Kitsune Tsuki! And warm scarfs to Yamichan, VashsAngel, Cutetanuki, Kamiya Usagi,Midnight Rose,TAG, Milkycat, Brosenka, Shinobi Force 1,Sciros Darkblade! And a big hi with hugs to all my friends on MyO.

Can anybody tell me what this is?:

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Friday, December 3, 2004

I Dont Wanna Growup
I dont wanna grow up--- I've been away from the Work World-- I want to play, be able to get so excited, I just cant wait for anything! It struck me that it has been a long time since I had that kind of happy excitement, feeling briefly free of worries, and the only choices were which fun thing to do first...ah, if it was a dream, I want to get back to sleep.

...and then the alarm clock rings..

Yesterday at work was a hoot! It seemed like the Universe was saying" Stay home an extra day for vacation". I went in, and left early to be able to care for all the piled up little tasks. Traffic for once was not too bad... had I been teleported to an alternate universe? I stopped for some coffee to bring to work... the car would not start. Called the auto club... Tow Truck got lost! After another tow truck arrived and started my car, I got to work. I received a curt phone call---- Why didn't I respond to "IPC notifications?" For those who don't speak bureaucratise--- it's Why don't you answer the phone-- (IPC is Inter Personal Communicator! A super beeper that super nasty! But yes, it does give you stock market quotes and football scores!) After trying to patch my already shot schedule, and maintain some New Orleans and Florida state of mind, I took a brief walk and came back. The end of the work day was approaching and then-- crack-- my tooth broke (have the bad habit of gritting my teeth). Have to say, I wonder if the Universe is loading up on spitballs and aiming at me? But then again, I think that Vash would nod and say but isn't that a fairly typical type of day. I have heard it said, the old Chinese curse is May you Live an Interesting life! Well, I think I will do 2 things: after I can see the dentist, I will bring the parrots home from boarding, and get some new manga or anime! And work on the images from my vacation. here's a quick sketch of impressions of New Orleans (dancing to jazz, feather boas, the ubiquitous Mardi Gras beads, and not really fretting over things...)

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Wednesday, December 1, 2004

   Cool Jazz
Well, I have finally been to New Orleans, and it is certainly something to experience! Walking around seeing the historic architecture, with smells of spices, the sounds of jazz coming from the clubs, and the bright colours, its impossible to know which sense to pay attention to first! Thanksgiving dinner was certainly different with the addition of delicious gumbo and other treats. And music does soothe the savage beast! I hope to go back again to enjoy New Orleans----I had no access to the computer so it feels a little strange to be typing again. I spent 5 days in St. Petersburgh , FL --- I love the beach, walking and collecting some shells. There is a park area called Ft DeSoto with beach, areas to kayak and boat, and Shell Key --- at sunset you can see dolphins play and jump. It was wonderful having some quiet time, and suddenly seeing 3 dolphins pop up and play! I'll be putting up some of the photos of things I saw. And as I just walked about before I got on the flight home, I saw wild parrots in a tree near my Dad's place. We both laughed to hear them! Then on the plane ride home, some of my crazy bad luck began to return, delays, stewardess dropping Pepsi on me, shuttle driver from the airport got lost... but this time I just laughed at it... Love, and Peace! (just watch out for falling Pepsi cans)
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Friday, November 19, 2004

Earth mothers Behaving Badly !
I ::blush:: want to apologize to my friends. Throwing a tantrum and hissy fit is not appropriate. A rant or whine about events and things is OK, but I realize that statement yesterday was just about an insult to me friends, and I really should have thought a little more. Big Hugs and thanks to Yamichan, Yami Loni, Panda and Kitsune Tsuke. You are wonderful pals. I guess someone ::cough cough:: needs a little stress management and anger management.
Music, a sandwhich, and going to bed at a reasonable time was helpful--- not doing those things was stress I gave myself. I really am thankful for my friends here-- the comment on my art did not trigger the meltdown-- not dealing with pressure did (everyone on Team TRiP headed for the hills, and we're good enough friends that they let me know going ballistic ain't gonna be tolerated!)

I'm taking a vacation from Nov 22-Dec 1. I am going to be re-thinking priorities, and looking at ways to de-stress.

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving because you deserve it! I'll be giving thanks for having friends like you all.

Love and peace, catch you on the other side of star shine!

Another picture of one of the kapok trees! Enjoy!

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