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myOtaku.com: Mamma Vash

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

What Season is it Now ?

There seem to be only 2 seasons in So. Cal-- brown and wet. This year we're having about a week of what I remembered as autumn weather== needing to wear a sweater, and cooler nights where it was nice to snuggle under a comforter. With the windows open just a crack, I smell the night air, with faint odors of fireplaces in use, and the distant moan of a train whistle, complaining about trudging into the night. Nights are often times I get my second wind, its quiet, and I have time to sort through all of the days random thuoghts, and observe the world . That's when hopefully some creative juices can flow!

It's raining now, gently, and the soft tapping is helping me untwist my muscles after a very long day// finished the paper work at 7:30 pm (and started at 7:00 am today) But it is DONE! Eventhough it is Night Patrol again, I had to stop and get myself a reward. I got Big O on DVD. I had to hold back because I also found R/O/D the TV! The art in ROD is detailed, and stylish! Check it out..Tech TV channel and Cartoon Network.

With the mix of warm weather , and rains, we have been having fog in the morning, and it is so dark when I have to take off for work. That's why the picture of the palms in the fog!

Thankies so much for all the suggestions for names for the computer! Terrific ideas! The new one so far is doing what it should, not demonstrating any particular characteristic. I've written down the suggestions, and will mull this over.

I feel pretty lucky, I've met some terrific people here, a very talented bunch too. I enjoy reading your posts, and having the opportunity to share thoughts, jokes, sketches. Now, at least travelling through cyperspace will be a lot more efficient, and easier. I hope I can be as good a friend as you have been to me. Huggles !

Love and peace....

Vash: And don't forget the donuts!

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