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myOtaku.com: Mamma Vash

Saturday, April 16, 2005

The Lessons of Flowers
The anime Trigun emphasizes sympols flowers stands for, particularly geranium for determination and courage. Well, looking at some of the odder things growing around So Cali, one doesn't need a symbol book.

This one snagged me literally. I smiled and thought, it tells me life is sweet and thorny. We choose which to dwell on--looking hard enough, there can be something good we may find later.

The next pic is called a bottlebrush, because the flower gets long, like it has the purpose to clean up bottles. It was a surprise to find this, just growing along the walk way. And tells me , though the hills are browning, and flower season is waning, don't be in too much of a hurry to overlook surprises.

It's starting to warm up outside, and denim is a bit warm. So , I'll take my cues from nature, enjoy some tea or soda, and kick off my shoes. And finish reading one of my manga/ It's OK to take a break, and just have some fun . And I think that's the biggest lesson learned from my short walk today. I'll see what else is around tomorrow, when I go to the bookstore, and work at some "serious" stuff. But not today-- enjoy my friends what you find around you, those seem to be the most special and gifted instructors I have met. I hope your lives are brightened by Nature, and that your friendship is returned at least double!

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