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myOtaku.com: Mamma Vash

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Birds in the Bellfry
If someone gave ME the bird...I'd smile and ask "Polly wanna cracker". For someone who doesn't know me, they'd probably be stepping away carefully... This comment , as my friends know, is because I have 2 very crazy parrots. Today the little parrot pulled apart a toy that has a whiffle ball with a bell in it. He's been bopping the thing around and playing soccer! He is very pleased with himself.

Does anyone play Mah Jonng (solitaire or otherwise). I just learned how to play, and it is quite addicting. The fun thing is the chat that goes on while playing. One day, someone commented that her child came home with a bird. He had apparently traded his sandwich for the bird. Other players were musing what to call the little bird. The player who told the story thought Rascal would be a great name, when someone piped up to name the bird Samich--! Whoever came up with that thought was a real ham! LOL

Kuroneko: Oh, no -- don't get Vash started up ...

Vash:Sandwiched are nice, but where's the donuts? You mean I did all those chores, and NO DONUTS!

Jet: you mean I cooked all morning, and the DONUTS ARE GONE?

Kuroneko: (purring contentedly) Remember, no one would suspect the cat!

NEW SKETCH... It's Daylight Savings Time-- I forgot to set the clock ahead.. What did Vash forget? click to see I"m just silly today because I got some sleep!

Spike: Yeah, right!

Kenshin: (turning red, so politely trying not to laugh.. runs out of the room)

Spike: Hey Kenshin, don't mind it. Mamma isn't "just silly" when she's rested. She's plain nuts!

Jet: Nuts.. cashews or walnuts?

Vash : Don't like nuts, use cinnamon.

Spike: This whole place is nuts!

Kuroneko: One more cooking comment, and I will faint.

Kenshin: Yes, this one knows, the yolks on you , cat.!

Hope that the weekend sparkled for you! Love and peace!

Its been raining, and that makes getting stuff out of closets to Goodwill a challenge. Time for the big clean. The ultimate challenge of course is my "home office", known as the Official Junk Room. Mail, forms, storage all gets tossed there. I started the archeological did and found a CD I thought I lost (Ghost in the Shell Be Human (soundtrack)). After making donations, I did go to Anime Nuts to get vol Ghost in the Shell so I have the whole set now. I really like the drawing in that show, its great. But, I still love Bebop.. and Trigun. What all your all time favorite animes (top 2 picks)?

What do you think of Daylight Savings time-- should we keep it or scrap it (I always hate "Springing forward". But I did get some great photos of flowers in the rain.

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