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the forest with my wolves and my friends house and here
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student and a ninja
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Age-13 Birthday-Januray, 26, 1991 Name-ZX (but your real name is Kim but NOBODY knows anymore.) Eyes- normally dark brown but can turn silver, blue, or red. Hair-very long, down to your knees and normally dirty blound with some brown but can also be white, blue or red. Hight-5 ft. 6in.
Label-used to be in your own but now your sortta goth.(I have nothing against them, really I think they are really cool and nice people, in a different way.) Lives-On a huge hill in a medium house away from the rest of the world surrended by huge trees and animals. Your very good with a katana (sorry if I spelled it wrong.)and also good with guns and bow&arrows. You can also so some marchial arts.
You wake up a normal day. Get dressed into baggy black pants with safty pins and chains all over it with a black shirt that has lots of patches on it of punk bands with a extra-large jacket with the word MADE on it. You put your hair up so it looks like its only down to your sholders.(you always wear it like that)You brush your teeth and go downstairs. You make yourself some coffee and keep it black. You eat and go down your driveway (witch is like 250ft. long) with your red backpack. Your waiting for the bus when you notice that your neighbors "for sale" sign is down. "Someone must have bought the house" you think to yourself as the bus rolls up. You take your seat at the very back of the bus and stare out the window until you get to school. Your get your books and go to your first class, math~_~. You take your seat by the window and start doing the problems on the board. Mrs. Hannaway(your teacher) comes in and says,"Class we have two new students today. Please say hello to Hiei and Suichi." Everyone says hello but you as you keep doing the problems in your math book. Then Mrs. Hannaway says,"Suichi, you can sit..." You glance to your right to see that the seat is emty. "Oh, great, the new kid might sit next to me" you think not really wanting him too. " to ZX." She finishes. "Can you raise your hand please, ZX?" she says. You raise your hand not looking up. Then Mrs. Hannaway buts Hiei in the seat right in frount of you. Suichi sits down and says, "Hello ZX." You don't say anything. Your not a people person, since your whole family died. (You'll learn about that later.) "Don't mind her." says Tod, who sits in frount of Suichi. "She doesn't talk to anyone." You keep doing the problems until your done. (your really smart, probbly the smartest kid in school) You take out your sketch book and start to draw a rose. (your also really good at art) After a few mintes your done drwing it and start to color it in. After your done, Suichi looks at it and says,"Your really good at drawing" "Thanks" you say quietly. After math, you grab your books and head to your next class, gym. Before you get very far so guy with black hair stops you and asks, "Hey can you tell me where the gym room is? I just moved here." "Follow me." you say and start walking. "Whats with all the new people today?" You think as you keep walking with the black-haired boy close behind you. When you get there you point to the door where the boys get dressed and say,"There it is." "Thanks uhh.." "ZX" You say and go into the girls locker room. You get changed into your gym outfit and go into the gym room. You were doing basket ball today. The boys and girls were going to be mixed together. You get on the oppsite team as the guy you meet earlier as you get picked for the jump shot. Anougher new kid who is really tall gets picked for the other team. He has orangey hair in a weird style. You get ready to jump as the gym coach throws the ball in the air. You hit the ball before the orange hair dude and one of your team mates gets it. They pass it to you as you get down to shot the ball, with the orange hiar dude right behind you. You shot and make it. After a while the skore(SP) is your team 28 the other team 22. In the end your team wins. You go into the locker room and get changed back and start going to your next class, science. You get out as the black-haired and the orange-hair guys do. You keep walking ignoring them but still wondering who they are. "Hey! ZX! Wait up." yelled black-haired dude. You stop and wait for them,"Hey your really good at basketball. Do you play on the team?" he says. "No" you say. "Well, I'm Yuskue and this is Kuabara." He says pointing to the orange haired dude. "Hey! I can introduce myself, Uramashi!" he yells. They fight for a little while until you start to get annoyed so you say,"Will you two shut the hell up." you say calmly. They're a little surpised but then you see Suichi and Hiei up ahead of you. "Hello Yuskue and Kuabara. And ZX." says Suichi. "You know her?" says Kuabara. "Yes, she's in mine and Hiei's class." Now your a little confused on how they all know each other. You ignore then and head on to your next class. #Lunch Time!# At lunch, you grab your bag (you pack your lunch) and take your usally seat at the last table in the coner and start to each your salad. (your a vegatairan) Then Suichi, Yuskue, Hiei and Kuabara walk over and Suichi asks, "Can we sit here?" "I don't care you say, still eating. They all sit across from you and your quietly keep eating. You soon learn that there going to be riding your bus and getting off at your same spot. (your were usally the only one to get off since you live in like the middle of nowhere.) #On The Bus# You take your normal seat and stare out the window with the window down since it was hot out. Hiei sits next to you since all the other seats were taken. Half way through the bus ride, you stop at a red light. Your looking out the window when you see a small bird falling form the sky. You catch it right before it hits the ground and take it inside bus. No one notices but Hiei, Suichi, and Yuskue. You look at the bird who is still alive and study it. It has a broken wing so you reach into one of your deep pant pockets and pull out some bandages. "Why do you have them?" asks Hiei emotionless. "I get in fights alot" You say as you start to bandge the bird. The bird didn't make a fush since for some reason all animals like you. When you get to your stop, the bird was on your sholder. You start to walk up your drive way, that you shared with your other neighbors (at the end it split in two sepret driveways). As your walking up they start to follow you. "You guys live in the new house?" you ask them "Yea." said Yuskue. "The house is so big we can all live in it." It was true. That house was about 3 times the size as yours. You keep walking. After about 150ft. Kuabara says,"Gesse, how much further?" "Get used to it. You'll have to walk up here the rest of the year." you say. When you get to your house, you open your door and your dog, Spike, comes out growling at the others. He starts to run at them but you say, "No, Spike." and he stops dead in his tracks. He walks back over to you and you let him back inside. Moments later, about 12 demons come out. Your not surpised since they come often, but you look at the others and they seem a little surpised. You drop you backpack and jump backwards to Hiei. You noticed in school that he had a katana with him. You pull back his cloak and un seth(SP) and say,"I need to borrow this." and bounce back. You kill all of them in under 10 mintues and throw back Hiei's katana. "Thanks" you say. You are now covered in blood and really hate the smell. "What were those things?" said Suichi. (like he doesn't know) "You should know, Yoko Kurama." you say. You've heard about him and Hiei and you knew all along. You don't know about the other two though. Kurama looks at you with utter disbelive. "H-how did you know?" he asked. "Everyone knows about the bandit Yoko Kurama. Pity haveing to take refuge in a human. And Hiei, master of the dragon of the darkness flame." you say. "Then your a demom too?" said Hiei. "No." you, telling the truth. "Then how do you know all of this." You don't say anything and pick up your thinks and went inside. You grab yor large hand gun (like the one Vash as in Trigun, if you watch it) and pointed it right at the door. Hiei pulls open the door as t=you have the gun right between his eyes. "It's agnist the law breaking into someones house." Message me if you liked it and I'll make more if ppl do!!
~**~YYH Story~**~ brought to you by Quizilla
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please read my story
A Yu Yu Hakusho story Memo brought to you by Quizilla
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 hiei loves the way you fight but you still needn't kill or stabe him and hi will like you very much. please vote
YOU MEET HIEI (FOR GIRLS) SORRY BOYS brought to you by Quizilla
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 this is what u look like hope u like it and dont worry sesshys coming soon
thiers somthing about SESSHOMARU! PART 1(inuyasha and the gang) brought to you by Quizilla
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You can't quite figure out that dream but you feel as if it was your past trying to reveal itself.You feel kind of bad because you can't remember your own past,then Cloud makes your mood worse because he won't leave you alone.
Demon Love#1:(Childhood Love) A Sesshomaru Quiz-READ MEMO brought to you by Quizilla
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You may say you're not here to make friends, but with a winning personality like yours, you most likely will no matter what you do. You seem to be focused on your mission (you'll soon find out more about that...), but you still see the big picture too. Keep it up, and you're sure to succeed!
Please rate and message me! Constructive criticism is always welcomeas is any kind of encouragement ^^.
From Darkness and Light - A Yu Yu Hakusho Story for Girls brought to you by Quizilla
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well the team really likes you they think they can trust you well really they don't know much about you but hey! doesn't mean they can't think your nice!
*A Fresh Life* yyh (Hiei) brought to you by Quizilla
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 Kurama luves you and he would like to spend every wakeing moment with you. Ahhhh love isn't it beautiful. But too bad your's won't last because he is MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU HERE ME MINE!!!!!!!!!
Kurama and You (For girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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Kurama Quiz(girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
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Kurama really loves you he wants to be with you and keep you safe.Well next quiz will come in 2 days cuz i'm thinking of making one quiz each day so tomorrow there will be an It's Hiei quiz,ok? see ya!
It's Kurama! brought to you by Quizilla
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