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Saturday, July 7, 2007

Yeah,I'm bored so,I'll tell you all a story...let's see...ooh!I know!

The Origin of the name "Manen"

So,why is my online name Manen?Well,it goes back about 5 years ago.My brother had purchased the MMORPG Final Fantasy XI.He needed a name.Back then,I was working on a manga called"The Quest For Gemra".(maybe I'll tell you about that some other boring day).I had finally made up an original name,"Manen".My brother came to me,asking for a name.I gave him "Manen".(he's still on with this character,by the way.Go bother him).Well,about 2 years later,my bro's friend recommended this site to us(Thank you!^^...though he's not on anymore).My brother and I were going to share an account,so we decided to use the name "Manen".Well,he never comes on anymore,but I obviously do.And that,my friends,is the origin of Manen!^^ The End!

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Friday, July 6, 2007

Alright everyone,this Tuesday is the very last day for contest submissions.Sorry,but any past that will be void.So,sorry to rush you,but you need to hurry on those artworks right away!!!

On a separate note,here's some funny firework direction typos we found.

"Warning!Shoots flaming balls!" -located under the picture of a guy,with the directions under his crotch.

"Do not use without adult super vision" -apparently,you need super vision powers to shoot off fireworks.

"Keep away from others and your flammable mate" - Technically "mate" was "materials",but it was separated at the end of a sentence.

And my all time favorite,"Light and get away" - ...duh...

Hope you enjoyed those as much as we did!^^V

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

   Happy July 4th!
Ah,that time of the year againwhere the air smells of barbeque and the fireworks frighten your cat and your uncle's dog under the futon together.It's the time where you can laugh at someone as they run from a firework that they have lit,but they're not too sure if it's lit all the way.I hope you all have a great 4th of July!^^
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Warning!This Post Contains Mild Language! Viewer Discretion Is Advised
Alrighty,I bet you're wondering about this ^.^;

Well,my mother and I had gone to Wal Mart.We went to the fabrics department because we had to get special rope.At band camp,the trumpet players will use these to hold their mutes.Anyways,we found the rope and went to the cashier.It was a kind old lady who was helping us.My mother told her we needed 15 pieces(phew) and told the length.This woman was talking to her before the old lady began cutting our rope.She wanted some help,but she wanted it soon,because she was gonna be late for work.She kept asking,"Will you be done soon?Will it be more than 10 minutes?"and such.The lady said it may be awhile.She went wandering off for a bit.I looked at fabric(found a great cloth for Vincent's cape).I returned to my mother and we waited for about 5 more pieces of rope to be cut.Here comes the lady,looking a bit impatient.My mom asked the older lady to wait on her and we could wait while she did,because we only needed about 3 more pieces.She said that once she had started doing this,she had to finish,because she was doing inventory or something.Suddenly,the woman flings her item into a nearby trash can,storms off,and practically yells,"F*** you!!"

O.O O.o o.O

Yeah...why are people so rude now a days?I mean,that lady shouldn't have waited til the last minute,and it wasn't the cashiers fault,the machines were going too slow.Jeez...

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Monday, July 2, 2007

Something's Odd...
Ok,this is weird.You know the little thing under your anime tracker that tells you if you have messages or not?Mine's gone.I mean,my inbox isn't full or anything,so,where did it go?Maybe someone should PM me and we'll see if it pops up then,ok?^^
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Well,it turns out,a skunk didn't die near our house...it moved in under our porch!!>< We've spread out some moth balls,which somehow make the skunks go away.So,now we wait.In the meantime,I'm just gonna go be ill in the corner.K?Thanks,bye...ugh...
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Today,I woke up to something unpleasant.Apparently,a skunk had died outside somewhere and now my room reeks of dead skunk,which is odd,because I'm on the second floor...That's why I ran downstairs to the computer room!^^ Now I have a headache and slightly upset stomach,but that shall pass.I have a Fitz's root beer!That should make it better!^^
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Sunday, July 1, 2007

Well,my family and I went up north for about 2 hours for my uncle Vincent's(yeah,I have an uncle Vincent^^) 2nd wedding.Truthfully,we didn't really want to go,because my dad and my uncle aren't that close,but we wanted to check out the University of Missouri,because I'd like to go there(plus,free cake).Holy cow,that campus was huge!But,it was very beautiful,and the town it's located in is so neat.On the way there,we passed a town called Kingdom City.I thought that was the coolest name for a town,so it may show up in one of my mangas someday.Well,that's all for this post.Keep the fan art coming!^^V
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Friday, June 29, 2007

Contest Update
Remember,there is only 1 week to go before the end of the Koldoon fan art contest,so upload your pictures soon!^^
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

You know what's strange?Ever since my brother rented FFVII:Dirge of Cerberus,I've wanted to cross-play as Vincent.Is that weird?But,seriously,the year after next,I'd like to do it for Anime STL.I want to make the costume myself,which will be hard.What do you think?Oh,by the way,I've started a Final Fantasy comic.Should I put it up?(at least,when there's more)
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