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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

   Cloud can dance!!>//
I found this while messing around on YouTube.It made me happy,so I hope it makes you happy,too!

The cosplay is amazing!He looks just like Cloud!*swoon*I'm not sure what language it's in,but oh well.I'd dance with him anytime!<3

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My family and I went to Best Buy on Saturday,and now we own the entire Final Fantasy:Unlimited series!God,Makenshi is hot!Heh heh,sorry,but just look at him!

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*drool* Oh,sorry,back on track.Volume four of Koldoon is finished.I've never told anyone,but there will only be 5 volumes.I'm almost there guys,which means publication may not be too far off.I just want to finish it first,then I'll contact a publisher.It's a little sad,too,but I'll be happy knowing that people everywhere will enjoy it...just as I'm enjoying staring at the picture of Makenshi here...*drooly*...

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Due to the fact that our computer has been crashing and rebooting and etc.,the contest deadline shall be extended for two more weeks.I haven't a clue when a new computer shall be installed,so it may be extended even futher.Thank you for your co-operation.
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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Contest Update!!!
Hey everyone!^^ Just a reminder for all who are wishing to participate in the Koldoon fan art contest.You only have 5 DAYS LEFT!Ok?Ok!Remember,you cannot submit anything after this date.There have been only 2 entrys,so,please be speedy in your work submissions!Hope to see your art!Thanks!^^
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Egh...my computer totally crashed last night.Why?My dad unhooked the mouse and keyboard.That's right,just the mouse and keyboard.Weird,huh?But,as you can see,it's fully up again,and this time,without that stupid Vista program!Yay!^^
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Well,the first two entrys for the contest are up on the site.Now,I have a feeling that it's gonna be very hard choosing a winner for this contest,but don't worry!Even if yours is not chosen,I'm gonna keep these forever!They're very special to me!^^
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Monday, June 18, 2007

River Trip
Hey all!Yesterday,my family and I went to the river.I almost didn't go,because I have a stomach disease and it was acting up,but thankfully,it got better(with medicine!).So,we went and swam,ate,took a boat ride.It was so cool,a blue heron flew right in front of my brother and me.But,then,we returned home after a 2 hour car ride(I'm used to it.Been doing this since childhood.)When we get home,we find the sunburn.Where is it this year,you may ask?On my ankles.Yes,ankles only.It hurts to walk or put on shoes and socks.Last year,it was on top of my feet.This year,ankles.I wonder where it'll be next year?*sigh*-.-;
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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ah,just finished watching Castle in the Sky.Great movie.Gotta love Miyazaki.Anyways,I finally got my own Windows Messenger up.If you wanna talk to me,it's alchemicalexorcist@hotmail.com.You should be able to find it,I hope!^^
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Friday, June 15, 2007

God!I want good Zelda tunes on my iPod,but I can't find the songs on iTunes and the songs I have can't be burned to a CD or synced for some weird reason.So,I guess I could buy the soundtrack CD...if they were in stock on Amazon.
-.-+ Hatred...Oh well,I'll just be patient!Hopefully I can find something.In the meantime,I shall await fan art!^^

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

*Sigh* Not one fan art submission yet,but,I know these things take planning and time.I just really wanna see art!X3 Well,hopefully something will show up soon!And that's not a threat,people.Please take your time!I look forward to them all!^^
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