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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Summer's almost he-re!Summer's almost he-re!Yay!I've found another site to download DGM episodes on,but my computer's Spam Blocker won't let me.It says it can't support it...that makes me sad.Hopefully,it will develope enough so that I may.I hope...
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Saturday, May 12, 2007

   Band Lock-In
Last night was our annual band lock-in.We basically lock ourselves in the school and play video games all night.A few friends and I watched this anime called Interstella 5555,based on the punk band Daft Punk.It was incrediably good.There was no dialogue save for the lyrics in songs and the story could easily be understood in it's simplicity.It was a very beautiful anime and I definitely recommend it.Other than that,I'm sleep deprived for staying up til 2 in the morning,so I may take a nap later.See you next post.
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Thursday, May 10, 2007

There's been a lot of flooding here lately.I hope it will stop soon.Thankfully,our family lives on a hill!Yay!^^ We've learned our lesson in the past,but I'll tell that story another day when I'm stuck at home over the summer bored out of my skull...
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Sunday, May 6, 2007

Blah!Busy weekend!Yesterday was our school's parade,so we had to go march in that.Then today was our concert,so we had to go do that.Ugh!Well,at least school's out in 13 days,which means Koldoons coming down in 13 days as well.Go read it while you can!^^
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

   YouTube sucks
I'm having problems finding anime episode s on YouTube now because of their stupid copyright battle.Anyone know any good sites where anime can be downloaded for free?
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Sunday, April 29, 2007

   Cosplay Photo
I've added a good picture of me from the Anime St. Louis convention.Now you can see what I look like!
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Saturday, April 28, 2007

   New background.Lavi <3
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Date Set
Yay!D.Gray-Man volume 5!It's awesomeness rolled in happiness!Ok,enough of that.I've set a date on which Koldoon will dissapear from the Otaku forever(that sounds so depressing).Anyways,remember this date...May 23rd.That's my last day of school,so I'll have free time that day.Please go and read Koldoon as much as you want.Next time you see it,hopefully it will be on the shelves of a bookstore!^^ I will still continue with fan comics,such as D.Gray-Man(Yay!Volume 5 <(^^(< <(^^)> >)^^)>.I've started a new story and I will also try to finish the other one,too,so be patient! On a totally random note,I saw two squirrels fighting this morning.My cat and I thought it was strangely amusing...
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

   Koldoon theme song
Hey everyone!This is kind of a random post,but I've decided on a Japanese song for the theme for Koldoon(unofficial,of course!Hey,I can dream!).If you're an iPod user,find the song called "Milky Way" by BoA under iTunes.It's very cute sounding and it has the feel I'm looking for.I've also decided on a few voices.For Yume,the Japanese voice actor Miyu Irino(Daisuke Niwa in DNAngel). For Brick,the lead singer in the band who sang "Parade".I think it's FLOW?Sorry,I'm not sure.I haven't found any good girl voices for Lily or Kaori yet.If you have any suggestions,feel free to PM me!^^
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At the convention,I bought a new anime DVD.It's the first few episodes of Final Fantasy Unlimited.It's very good.I'm enjoying it a lot now,and it has inspired me to make a Final Fantasy comic.I'll put it up here as a "I'm sorry" gift for removing Koldoon.I haven't taken it down yet,but I know I'll need to soon.As soon as I can think of a date,you can still enjoy it.............this will sound really random,but my computer screen just went white as I was typing that sentence.Weird,huh?
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