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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Not much to report at the moment :3 I don't have school tomorrow,as a lot of you probably don't.Yay!Sleeping in!

Ny boyfriend and I are gonna watch a movie at his house and maybe go to the mall with my brother.Gonna get Negima manga!I'm really addicted to it now.It reminds me of Koldoon a bit,so maybe that's why.Speaking of which,I'll probably update that right now!

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hey guys!Guess what?I turned 18 today!I can buy a lot of ...um..."stuff" now...heh heh.

I've got a change with my site's theme.It's Negima,which,I must admit,I'm getting quite into it.It's so cute!Negi is,too!XD I mean,c'mon,he's a 10-year-old,kind of innocent kid.

I hope to update Koldoon in a bit,so please be patient with me ^^; I'm glad people are happy that's it's come back ^^

(Oh,by the way,if you were a contest winner and haven't recieved your prize,I'm very sorry.I'm very busy and with the failing scanner,I can not give you your prizes.Please forgive me ; ;)

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

   Good news!I've found a CD-rom disc that may have some of the Koldoon manga on it!XD So,if we can get our CD drive to start working again,I can put Koldoon up again without my scanner!Yay!
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Kobe's was awesome! XD

I tried the chicken and scallops.It was really tasty :3 I've never had scallops before.They were pretty good.I'd eat them again.I even tried calamari!It was really tasty,too.Nothing like I expected.

The chef was amazing with his knife tricks and jokes and stuffs.I caught 3 pieces of shrimp when he threw them. X3 It was a lot of fun and I'd definitely go back and I recommend it to anyone else.

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Yay!We're going to my birthday dinner tonight!My birthday's actually next Wednesday,but this was the only time dad could take off :3

We are going to Kobe's steakhouse.I've never been to a Japanese restaurant before,so this is gonna be a blast!XD

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Monday, January 7, 2008

Ugh,I've gotta go back to school tomorrow.Definitely not looking forward to that.But,then again,Anime STL is in March,so another cosplay opportunity is at hand!XDI'm going as Lenalee again,only in the Order's more recent uniforms.It's really cool looking,so I can't wait to do it ^^
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Friday, January 4, 2008

Ah,the X-mas break is coming to an end T.T *sigh*


I hope Spring Break will be here soon.

Well,there's no news on scanner replacement.We're not doing so hot in money,so it will have to wait.But,as I have promised,Koldoon will be uploaded again,so,please be patient with Manen-san ; ;

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!
Well,it's finally here,2008.The year I graduate from high school and turn 18-years-old.

I did get to go over to my boyfriends house after all.Along with my brother and his best friend,we had a lot of fun.I kissed my boyfriend at midnight^//^.There's something about that,just two people who love each other sharing a kiss at the very beginning of a new year(never kissed at midnight before <---)

Let's see,resolutions...

Finish Key Crusis and continue being happy with my love X//D

I did indeed live up to last year's resolution : find a boyfriend that I could be happy with and finish Koldoon! XD

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Friday, December 28, 2007

All About Manen
All About Manen

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Well,I actually got the video finished,but I'm having problems putting it onto YouTube,so it'll be awhile before you get to see it :3

On a separate note,I've been getting into Evangelion lately,thanks to my brother.It's very good,I must admit.^^

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