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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Phew...busy weekend...

First,I went to my friends house for her 16th birthday.We went to Build-A-Bear and I made one based on Yume ^^ We also went to Blockbuster and rented Black Sheep and Howl's Moving Castle.That was fun,especially Black Sheep,it's one of the stupidest "scary" movies ever.However,the night soon took a bad turn,because my IBS started up again -.-; I seriously hate my disease.I had to go home at 6 a.m. instead of 12:30 because of it.Aw well,we still had fun.I got my friend an L plushie for her birthday :3 He's so cute

Today we're going to my family Christmas party.Every year,we gather at the city hall in Ellington,MO and eat food,talk,exchange gifts(for kids) and ornaments(for adults).I started the ornament exchange 4 years ago,and I've got some cute ones X3 I can't do it this year(I forgot to go buy one),so I'll go pick one out myself.It's great for those who will be leaving home soon for college and they'll have their very own start for their Christmas.Yay!Christmas time is here!XD

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Monday, November 26, 2007

My stomac's acting up again,but it's kind of stopping,so that's good ^^

Oh!Our school musical was chosen today!

Thoroughly Modern Millie

The thing that scared me the most was the fact that most of the women in the play have short hair @.@ How will I cosplay as Lenalee with short hair?Thankfully,my choir director says that we can wear wigs if we choose.Yay! The storyline sounds really interesting,so I'm definitely going for it!

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ah,marching band season has come to an end and a new season has begun--the Christmas season!

I love Christmas time.It's just so much fun doing stuff with my family and friends,and then there's the snow and stuff! X3 Not to mention Jesus' birth!Go Jesus! XD

Ah,I can't wait for the first snow fall ^//^ It's so romantic and beautiful

Well,hopefully,we'll be able to get a new scanner soon,too.I'm almost finished with the first volume of my new manga series,Key Crusis.This one doesn't sound like it's gonna fail,so I'm happy with it.This is the one I'm hoping to have published.I'm not too sure about publishing Koldoon anymore,as much as I'd like to,but it probably isn't up to standards with the people at Tokyopop T T But,at least you guys will get to enjoy it again ^^

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Friday, November 23, 2007

Whoo...the parade was freezing this year.Couldn't feel my fingers,let alone play my clarinet ^^; But,it was fun.Did anyone get to watch on on T.V. or online?
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

All better!I don't know why I was feeling so icky,but it's gone now.


I had a weird dream last night.There were these explorer people and they were going around this maze of dark,stone tunnels.One guy goes,"Hey look in here!" *breaks through a wall by punching it O.o;* "There's a skeleton in here!And she's had her skull bashed in!"

I woke up then ^^;

Oh!!It happened again today!A little kid asked if my boyfriend and I were going to get married @//@ I mean,I love my boyfriend,nut it's too soon for those thoughts!Although,I must admit,if he did ask me to marry him...^//^ Erm...anyways,then the kid went up to him and asked about that!@//@

Kids thses days...

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Ugh...I'm not feeling to well right now.Maybe I'm getting the flu?That's not good,as Thanksgiving's this Thursday and I've got to march in the parade. T T Plus,it's supposed to snow a bit where I live,thus making it perfect weather for catching colds ; ;

Not looking for ward to that ^^; Hopefully,my icky-feeling will go away soon ; ;

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Ah,today was fun.My brother,dad,boyfriend and I went down to St. Louis' most artistic street,the Loop.It was a lot of fun.We ate lunch at the Fitz' Root Beer restaurant/factory,which was pretty cool.We then walked around and looked at the stores and stuff.There was a store called Star Clippers.They had a lot of anime and manga stuff.I died and went to manga heaven:D

In other news,not much going on.Thanksgiving Parade is almost here.and you'll be able to watch it online now,so you may see me.Go to kmov.com for more info on that,I guess.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I'm home today from school due to really,really bad cramps.

Ouchies ><

They'll go away soon,but my big clarinet test was today,so that's not good XD But,I've played the music so much that I'm sick of it.Oh well...

I'll just work on Key Crusis a bit(that's my new manga) Sorry about lack of updates with my artwork.Our scanner died and we just don't have the money right now to replace it.; ;

But...Christmas is coming!I love Christmas!^^ The snowy mornings,decorating the tree,going to my grandma's and eating food X3 I just love the whole thing.(Except reruns of the life-action Grinch movie.I don't like it that much Xp........
.....and fruitcake...)

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Okay,I feels better now.I'm in one of...you know...those moods...(girls will know what I mean XD)



Er,that's about it...I'm gonna go eat ramen and fried rice now! XD

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

   May I ask,does anyone even come here anymore?I've been posting stuff for awhile now,but no one seems to either care to comment or even stop by.That makes me sad ; ;
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