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Saturday, August 25, 2007

   Kyah!I just got back from my date! The guy I went with,first,he opened the car door for me.That's so polite!^//^ We went to go see the Simpsons movie,which was quite funny.He actually took my hand first.We didn't stop holding hands until our ride came.^^ So,for a first date,it went quite well.
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Yay!I'm going on my first date today! XD It's so cute,the boy who I'm going with and I,well,we've both been wanting to hold each other's hands,but we're too shy!Ah,well...we'll see how today goes...

Stupid scanner...

I found $3 in my pocket today!Big whoop,right?Exactly!"cause I found Sharingan contacts for my Itachi cosplay next year,the only problem...$138.90 for 1 pair...Ouch.I've gotta start saving now!I now have $4!Yay!Plus,there's the actual costume,which,ironically,is less expensive than the contacts.Oh well,what are you going to do?

~Aqua Pod,it's a blast of fun!~ But,how?It's a water bottle O.O (Hee,I've been singing that since band camp!XD)

~Kisame snacks!Kisame snacks!~
~They taste like fish and they're colored blue!~
~Buy some now,or we'll kill you!~
(Got that from the Akatsuki Super Shhow on YouTube.It's quite funny/cute)

That's all to report for now.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

How strange...
Well,after I posted that thing about the comment,it dissapeared.Kind of strangs,huh? ^^;

Anyways,I've been watching Naruto : Shippuden recently,and,I must say,I'm getting back into Naruto.My favorite character's Deidara at the moment.He's a bit like me at times.^^ Now,my brother and my two best friends and I are gonna do an Akatsuki cosplay group in 2 years.I'll be Itachi ^^; Doesn't suit me,huh?Oh well,I'll just get into character!Heh heh...

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Well,the first day o' school was alright...except for the eil computer teacher I had..."Had"?Yeah,we can switch out of classes on the first 3 days.Now I have varsity band!Yeah! XD

The problem is,I won't have a college prep diploma,but I can still graduate!Plua,I'll have lunch with my brother/friends/and boyfriend to be-ish thing...yeah...

Well,we do have a new busdriver,too,but he's slooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww...............ugh -.-;

Well,that's all to report this time.See yous later!^^

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Things I've learned today...

1.Kisame's freakin' hard to draw ^^;
2.It never rains when you need it...
3.Chum is not tasty,but explodes well (You'll see in the Akatsuki comic)
4.Scanner's are stupid...
And 5.Summer goes by fast.Enjoy every moment of it,because my very last summer break as a high school student is over now...

So,yeah.Have fun guys!Don't kill anyone you hate in your class until the last day o' school or 'til you're a senior!^^

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Tomorrow's our last day of freedom before school starts up again T T.But,don't you worry!I'll still find the time to put up my comic!*Kicks scanner* So,please look forward to it!Oh,guess what?It's gonna be inked!So you can actually see it!Well,that's all for this installment...
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Monday, August 13, 2007

Funny little thing
My mom sent this to me in an e-mail.I thought it was cute/funny,so I thought I'd share it with you all!^^ Please enjoy!

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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Hmmm...what to talk about?Hmmm...

Well,I kind of feel like a kid from Twilight Town who's vacation is about to end...(KH 2).Here I am,eating a popsicle for breakfast(hee).I've already finished my summer homework and I kind of wish I had done more this year.Ah well...what else to discuss?...

Oh,I know!What to expect from my Akatsuki comic!

1.Playing pranks on Itachi
2.Attacking the mail-man for ninjutsu practice
3.Someone gets a girlfriend!? (or do they...?)
4.And much,much more!

Please stay tuned!Stupid scanner...don't know what's wrong with it...

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Yay!I got volume 6 of D.Gray-Man yesterday!All I'll say is,it's quite exciting!^^ Ugh...school starts this Thursday for me...-.-;; May be it'll be more fun this year,as it is my senior year...God,I don't feel that old...; ;
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I know a while back that I said I wanted to crossplay as Vincent Valentine.Well,I've changed my mind.A whole bunch of my friends(like,3 of them ^^;)have agreed to do a group cosplay of the Akatsuki!It sounds fun,so Vincent may have to wait a year.Plus,my little brother agreed to go as Kisame!How fun!What do you guys think?Can he pull it off?

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With a little gel and some hair dye and face paint...yeah...^^

My friends are going as Deidara and the blue-haired Akatsuki member(Sorry,I don't know their name yet.Remember,I just got back into this).As for me?Itachi.It'll be hard,but I bet I can do it.I have 2 years,so who knows?^^

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