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myOtaku.com: Manen

Sunday, April 22, 2007

   Anime convention
The convention was amazing!Vic Micnogna was answering questions from his fans in this one room.I got a picture of him and a little video,too.There was a girl in the audience who was having her birthday that day,and she got to go up with him and he sang "Happy Birthday" for her.I have that on video and it sounds a lot like Ed!I've got his autograph,too!Maybe I'll put it on my site if I can find out how.Anyone know how to do that?I also cosplayed as Linali and people actually recognized who I was.8 people wanted my picture.I've got pics,too,so I'll put those up as soon as there developed.There were so many cosplayers!Allen and Kanda were there the night before,which made me sad because I missed seeing them.There was even a family of cosplayers.The father was Kakashi,his wife was Temari(?!),their older son(about 7) was Sasuke,and their youngest(maybe 2 or so) was Naruto.He was so cute!^^ Piano Squall was also there.He's a guy who cosplays as Squall Leonheart and plays music from anime and video games on the piano."One-Winged Angel" sounded so cool!I'm definitely going back next year!
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