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myOtaku.com: Manen

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I know a while back that I said I wanted to crossplay as Vincent Valentine.Well,I've changed my mind.A whole bunch of my friends(like,3 of them ^^;)have agreed to do a group cosplay of the Akatsuki!It sounds fun,so Vincent may have to wait a year.Plus,my little brother agreed to go as Kisame!How fun!What do you guys think?Can he pull it off?

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With a little gel and some hair dye and face paint...yeah...^^

My friends are going as Deidara and the blue-haired Akatsuki member(Sorry,I don't know their name yet.Remember,I just got back into this).As for me?Itachi.It'll be hard,but I bet I can do it.I have 2 years,so who knows?^^

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