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myOtaku.com: Manen

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Yay!I'm going on my first date today! XD It's so cute,the boy who I'm going with and I,well,we've both been wanting to hold each other's hands,but we're too shy!Ah,well...we'll see how today goes...

Stupid scanner...

I found $3 in my pocket today!Big whoop,right?Exactly!"cause I found Sharingan contacts for my Itachi cosplay next year,the only problem...$138.90 for 1 pair...Ouch.I've gotta start saving now!I now have $4!Yay!Plus,there's the actual costume,which,ironically,is less expensive than the contacts.Oh well,what are you going to do?

~Aqua Pod,it's a blast of fun!~ But,how?It's a water bottle O.O (Hee,I've been singing that since band camp!XD)

~Kisame snacks!Kisame snacks!~
~They taste like fish and they're colored blue!~
~Buy some now,or we'll kill you!~
(Got that from the Akatsuki Super Shhow on YouTube.It's quite funny/cute)

That's all to report for now.

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