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Maybe creating novels/movies that would question things, or toy with emotion, something like that...
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| mangachick101
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Monday, October 10, 2005
Hello every one, hope you all had great day. Mine, as usual, was the same ol' same ol'. I swear I spend to much of my life on the computer. Perhaps the move to Florida won't be so bad after all. Although I will leave all my friends, I'll be able to go to the beach and absorb the wonderful area. I'm also exited about today because today is the release of the YuYu Hakusho Chapter Black Saga Box Set! I already have it on the way.
Picture of the Day:

One of my favorite pairings, sorry if I've offended any one.
Quote of the Day: "Nerd violence..." - Kurama
Icon of the Day:

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Sunday, October 9, 2005
Nothing is going on today, just moving some boxes to storage and packing up most of the house for showing. My father might lose his job soon so we might move to Florida after all with my mother. On a lighter note my fan art finnaly came through and here is the url again for it. Please rate.
Picture of the Day:

As you can see, Yusuke is readjusting his invisible pair of shades...
Quote of the Day: "It's so stupid! We're protecting the who's protecting us!" - Yusuke
Icon of the Day:

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Saturday, October 8, 2005
Fan Art is up
I finnaly got the fan art to submit, here is the url:
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Well nothing much is happening today. I'll just be sitting at my computer all day. As you can see I have my art work were the small animations are, a note though that it is much bigger than that and as soon as a can cut it to the correct size I'll post it. Hope you all have a great day.
Picture of the Day:

Quote of the Day: "You're protecting a fallen race, and that is why you must die." -Mitrai (A.K.A. Sea Man)
Icon of the Day:

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Friday, October 7, 2005
My Apologies
My apologies for not posting the last couple of days, or visiting any of your sites. I've had a load of homework this week and 3 tests. On other news we got the scanner working and I attempted to submit Yusuke in full demon form fan art, but it was too big. So I'm trying to figure out how to make it smaller, if anyone knows how please PM me. Well, I also decided that I start doing an icon of the day as well, a not though that I have not made any of them and do not take any credit. Pm if you would like a url for it.
Picture of the Day:

Quote of the Day: "Young people are stupid about life and death. They think they're invincible, too young die, so they're not consumed with the fear of it." - Genkai
Icon of the Day:

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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
I'm Back
Well the visit to my Florida was very nice. The beach is beautiful and I could spend my whole day there. I have to say the town (Panama City) was very quaint and quite. Also I forgot to mention that when the power went out because of the hurricane I drew a picture a full demon Yusuke. I haven't posted it yet because I want to get my scanner up and running so it will look much better. Oh, also I've has 100 hits here on my site and 40 guest book entries, thank you all and I'll hope to have more people visiting soon.
Picture of the Day:

Quote of the Day: "The thing is I'm a really ripper guy and the only thing I suck at is ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!!" - Chu
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
I'll be returning on Monday
Well today every thing went fine with my math test, it was very easy. Now about the title, I'm leaving tomorrow night to go to Florida through the weekend and will be returning on Monday night. So I will most likely get a post in on Tuesday. Until then, sayonara.
Picture of the Day:

Quote of the day: "It is such a hungry world. Its own desire to open is making my powers more intense by the minute. At this rate it will blossom like the most perfect flower in less than two hours. You should start your movie now. Can you feel them, Shinobu? Feel their desparation to get out?" – Itsuki
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Sorry if I didn't get to all of your sites today. I've had quiet a lot of homework to do today and also study for a test. Also I had band practice after school today so I came home later in the day and didn't have as much time as usual. I'll get to all your sites tomorrow.
Picture of the Day:

Awww, poor Yoko
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Old Wallpaper Back
Well today the site that supported my Karasu wallpaper went down. I found out that the site that held my old wallpaper (the one that is up right now)hadn’t gone down, it just merely went under construction. I’m glad I got it back, I liked it better than the other ones I had. Any way other than that nothing really happened today.
Picture of the Day:

Quote of the Day: "You (talking to Juri) unless you want to be plant food, don't move." - Youko(Yoko) Kurama
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Monday, September 26, 2005
I'm Back
Well thankfully we hardly even got hit. The only thing that happened is that the power went out and several tree branches fell off. Our power went down around 2 am on Saturday. It stayed down until last night. After the power came back on we just reorganized ever thing that we had put away in case any windows broke. So all and all nothing horrible happened at all. We are very lucky that nothing bad did happen. The hurricane was acutely heading directly to us and would have done devastating damage, but 3 days (Thursday) before the hurricane hit, we had record highs in heat around 100 degrees and literally pushed the hurricane away from our city (Houston). Though because of that it still did horrible damage to other cities east of us
Picture of the Day:

Quote of the Day: "(To Toguro) Since I started this tournament I learned the value of what you gave away, and I won’t let it go, even if I have to give up my life." - Yusuke
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