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Friday, September 23, 2005
Change of Plans
As you know, I was planning to evacuate with my family last night. We had scheduled a flight at 5:00 pm to leave, unexpectedly the air port shut down at 2:00 pm. We decided to drive to our destination instead, but then we thought why bother? The highway is literally a parking lot, and we could have run out of gas before even getting there. So no we are staying at our house, though we didn't buy any spare food because we thought we were going to leave. So now that the stores are closed, and there is no possible way to get a generator for the house. Though we have plenty of food in the freezer and a barbeque inside the house, I just hope the power doesn't go down. I'll just have to see what happens.
Picture of the Day:

Quote of the Day: "Don't apologize to lousy human, Yukina. What's been done to you by one of us is unforgivable. We may not amount to much, but we try y'know? So please don't hate all humans..." - Kuwabara
Also here is a funny video of Naruto:
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Sorry for not posting yesterday, because of missing 2 days of school last week I was given a lot of homework to finish last night, I didn't have enough time to sign on. All so I may not be back on for a while because there is a new hurricane heading our way and our power might go down for several days or our house might even be destroyed. But don't worry about my safety, my family and I will be driving out of the state before the hurricane will ever hit us. So please excuse my absence for the next couple of days, or weeks.
Picture of the Day:

Quote of the Day: "You were wrong on two counts. Even the hardest substance can be broken, when crashed into itself. And the ability to feel pain is not a weakness. It's a strength. Pain tells a creature its vulnerabilities, and not to expose them to attack. Your robot is dead. And so, I'm afraid, are you." - Kurama
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
Today my family and I have been tidying up the house for the week because we are placing the house on the market. The new episode of Fulmeatal Alchemist was better then I expecting, now only one more week to go for the next one -_- ....
Picture of the Day:
Quote of the Day (Every Hiei fan should know this one): "Tell me, what does it feel like to be in a constant haze of stupidity?" -Hiei
Question of the day: Rate your self a 1 out of 10 of how Hiei obsessed you are.
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
Yet again nothing is happening much today as well. Last night I drew my first picture of Hiei. You can go check it out if you like, it is a little blurry though and it is side ways...-_-I'm just at my house doing nothing but being in front of my computer. All so I have a new wallpaper of Karasu. I'm looking forward to the new episodes of Fulmetal Alchemist tonight, hope you are as well.
Picture of the day:

Quote of the day: "Believe it or not fighting isn’t way up there on my list of priorities, so I implicated an escape route. The Koenma-tron 5000! What do ya think?" - Koenma
Question of the day: Do you prefer Koenma in his "teenage" form or "child" form?
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Friday, September 16, 2005
Nothing really happened today. I just stayed home and rested so that I didn't put any strain on my foot. Other than that nothing much happened today.
Picture of the Day:

!)~Quote of the Day: "Brother has come to quite prefer people like you to fight on our side. All so the desire to kill us keeps them (Karasu and Bui) motivated to improve. Brother would find you perfect for us. That’s why I swore to spare your life. However, Brother is not here at the moment, and we have one most important difference... I all ways hate keeping my promises." - Elder Toguro
&)~ Question of the Day: Do you think that Elder Toguro and Younger Toguro have anything in common?
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
I finished my science project today with a relief of completion, the project was fairly easy but just time consuming. In other news for today my foot became swollen for an unknown reason and I was unable to walk with out having shocks of pain every time I took a step or twitched my foot. I was taken to the doctor to have it examined. They have yet to call us back to tell us the x-ray results to see if I fractured a bone in my foot. Hopefully it is nothing serious or to the point where I will have to be in a wheel chair. One thing I truly hate is to have someone help me walk. I have all so decided that I will start doing a daily post with what happened that day/what is on my mind, picture of the day, and a quote of the day starting tomorrow..
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Monday, September 12, 2005
New Wallpaper
As you can see my old wallpaper is gone and I have a new one of Genkai. The reason for this is that the site that held my wallpaper has now been taken down. Why I'm not sure. But I do enjoy this new wallpaper of Genkai. She is one of my favorite female characters in anime. Tell me if you think I should go with another wallpaper, I have plenty on my list to choose from.
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
There isn't much to say for the weekend. I just have a major science project due at the end of the week and I'm working on it as we speak. All so it is my mother's birthday. She turns 49 again(it is her 50 birthday)But because she is in Florida for her new job we celebrated last weekend along with my birthday that was on the 31 of August. So I arranged a set up of pictures of Youko and Kurama today, enjoy.

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Monday, September 5, 2005
Innocence is some thing that we all care for dearly. We may not realize it when we were younger, but now that we are older we wish we still saw the world through the eyes of a child. Every thing was perfect, joyful, and mystifying. Though now that most of that is gone, we are glad that we can now think as an intellectual individual. The concept of death never fully reached us when we were younger, and it is one of the many things that never truly existed in our minds. A child's smile could warm the heart of any lost soul. As a child you could see any thing was positive, and nothing was incorrect. Every thing and every one was beautiful.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

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