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Anime Fan Since
I came into existance!
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My Top 5: 1) Inuyasha, 2) CCS or Tsubasa, 3) Fruits Basket, 4) FMA, 5) DNAngel
To live happily and continue to draw for the remainder of my life.
To watch anime, read manga, go online, draw, and write.
Eating, sleeping, drawing, staring, writing, typing...
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 06/19/04:
Result Posted on 06/10/04:
Result Posted on 06/10/04:
Ironic that I am actually chinese
Result Posted on 06/10/04:
 .:You live your life: ~innocently~:.
You see the world in black and white but color surrounds your heart. Happiness is your escape and a smile is always brightening your face.. one that feels sometimes tough to keep up. You are plain sweet and just be careful.. dreams are easily shattered.
How do you live your life? (with pics! ^.~) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/05/04:
Some pictures aren't as great as this one
Result Posted on 06/04/04:
Sure, many people may think that I only like CCS and Inuyasha, but those are merely favourites, I like a lot more anime too! (Quiz proves it, XD)
Result Posted on 06/04/04:
Well, I got this from Chainedangel, and I was gonna tell her the results, but it only hit me AFTER I took the quiz that I had already signed her GB...
 You are a little shy, or your kiss takes a time to happen. It may take time, but sooner or later it happens!!! Well, the conquest game is really interresting, isn't it?
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/09/04:
Honestly, who thought I WOULDN'T get this???
Result Posted on 05/09/04:
I've already taken this quiz, but when I took it again I didn't know. Last time I had night, but that was cus I was in a bad mood. This is more 'me'
 You're Elemant is Wind. You're light-hearted, care-free, kind, sensative, and mysterious. You have friends and most absolutely love you. You can be calm and soothing one minute and ragging in anger the next so no one wants to get on your bad side. You're beauty is inspiring and magical.
What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/08/04:
I like eye quizzes...or any other quiz with pretty pics
 Purple! You have purple eyes! You're a dreamer, artist, poet, whatever. You enjoy all forms of art and literature, and tend to be quite good at creating them as well.
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla
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