You are the chinese element of Earth. People who
are under the element of earth are sociable,
responsible and reliable. Earth, you are a
tactician, but you always crave acceptance and
are usually hard headed. The color of earth is
yellow and your symbol is the caldron.
Inbetween all of the seasons is when Earth
shines, and your months are
March/June/September/and December. Your
weather condition is windy. Earth is the
center direction, and your day is Saturday,
while your planet is Saturn. Animals under
your element are usually naked. People under
you are Manchu. Your sense is touch, your
taste is sweet, your sound is singing and your
virtue is good faith. Your organ is the
spleen. You were created by Fire and you
control Water.
Which of the 5 Chinese Elements Are You? brought to you by Quizilla