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California, where it never rains... except in the fall, winter, and spring
Member Since
Real Name
K. Webb
The C. Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Excel Saga, Slayers, Tenchi, DBZ, Sailormoon, Captain Tylor
To become a voice actor or TV personality
Writing parodies, listening to that Neo-Soul music
Some say I'm a fairly decent actor.
Saturday, January 17, 2004
On The Job Quotes
Because I know you've had enough you can never get enough of me talking about my job, here's a list of some of today's best quotes from myself and some of my co-workers. See, whenever we're not working (which would be anytime our supervisors aren't around), we like to entertain ourselves with witty conversation.
May not be appropriate for children under 17.
Vonda: Here's today's quota sheets. Two of you will have to pick the all-African-American quotas.
Venette: Uh uh! No! I am not talking to any black people!
Me: I'm sensing some racial self-hatred.
Me: (to Shayna) Okay, so here's the plan: I get all of the black girls, and you survey all of the black men. Because black girls don't like white girls, but black men...
Shayna: Hey! Some of my best friends are black girls! Are you trying to say they don't like me?
Venette: Black people from California are bad. If they're from the South, they're alright. They're nice.
Me: That's why they call it Southern Hospitality.
Venette: Exactly.
Me: But in California, it's more like "Screw You."
Shayna: Come to think of it, none of my friends are from California.
Ruben: My paycheck was 80 dollars! I was getting better hours at McDonalds.
Venette: How were you getting better hours than me, back then?
Max: He was probably spanking that ass.
Vonda: O_O
Venette: Ruben, did you lose weight?
Max: It's that girlfriend of his. She's been wearing him out.
Ruben: No, she's more like "go in there and make me breakfast, bitch!" And I'm like "Okay, okay. Shit."
Everyone: O_o
Max: Take the walkie-talkie, or I'll kick you in the nuts!
Me: Okay, fine. You're just lucky I don't like having my testicles crushed.
Max: There's a guy over there checking us out (points to himself, Venette, and Shayna). Not you, Kevin. He's out of your league.
Me: Hey!
Max: Well, he's not your type.
Me: You should've said that the first time. I mean, if I were gay, I'd at least like to think he's not out of my league.
Venette: Are you trying to tell us something, Kevin?
(After walking into the office's kitchen)
Venette: Okay, close the door.
Ruben: (closes the door) Alright! Let's strip! (pretends to strip)
Me: Could you please not do that directly behind me?
Venette: Are you trying to tell us something, Ruben?
Venette: Max, you're loud! And I thought I was loud.
Ruben: I thought I was loud.
Me: I thought you three were loud.
Shayna: I'm used to being the quiet one. Stop being so quiet, Kevin.
Me: Oh yeah? Well... (I stop talking)
Max: After this, I got work at McDonalds. So I'm gonna be on my feet another six hours.
Shayna: Better than being on your back for six hours.
Max: Hey, I can go all night long. And I'd be on my stomach. Actually, I prefer to be on my knees. (starts to draw it on his clip board)
Me: O_o
Shayna: O_o
Me: Avert your eyes!
Max: You can kick me in the balls, but I was a dancer and a cheerleader. I have no pain down there, anymore.
Shayna: (to Max) I figured out what kind of bird you are. You're a macaw.
Max: A macaw?
Shayna: It's a talking bird, like a parrot. And very colorful.
Max: Excuse me!
Shayna: It's a compliment!
Venette: Kevin is a penguin.
Me: Penguin you!
Venette: Hell no!
Venette: I said penguin because penguins are birds that, once they find a mate, stay with that mate for the rest of their life. I would never penguin with you.
Ruben: I'd penguin with you, Kevin, but I don't have a vagina.
Me: Story of my life.
Me: Max, you garden variety ho.
Max: Hey! I am a high-class ho!
Ruben: Would that be like a hydro-dynamic ho?
Venette: Ruben, would you be my life mate?
Ruben: Fuck no!
Venette: Fine! That was just a pity-offer, anyway.
Ruben: I'm going to San Francisco for a concert. It's gonna be all drinking, and smoking, and getting high.
Me: So... just like everyday, only you'll be at a concert.
Ruben: Hey! I don't drink everyday.
Ruben: I am a professional stoner. It's what I'm good at.
Me: Up yours.
Max: Just say when.
Me: That's right. That's not really an insult for you.
Ruben: See you later, mother f-ers.
Max: More like father.
Me: I keep forgetting insults are different with you.
Me: Eww, ghetto people.
Venette: I love coming to work. It's more entertaining than watching TV.
Much Love |
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