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gravitation, FAKE, petshop of horrors, gundam wing, slayers, ranma 1/2, fruits basket, i,my,me,strawberry eggs, and others
to finish college and become a voice actress
reading mangas and watching anime
playing the violin
| MarcoDelRossi
Hey everyone, everything you need to know about me is on the side of the site. I'm MarcoDelRossi and I love Dir En Grey...a lot. Right now I'm on a bit of a Miyavi obsession and I'm not the only one. My friend Chels is too. I'm sorry for having been away so long but Real Life got in the way. Hopefully I'll have more time to update and just have fun on this thing! ^_^
I'm gonna add some pics of Miyavi, I hope you find them as cute/hot as I do!

Sunday, July 17, 2005
Hey Hey
Hey everyone how's it going? Today I was supposed to have an interview at Taco Cabana but the manager who hires worked the graveyard shift last night so he wasn't working today. So it had to be resheduled. Now it's on Tuesday and I'm kind of relieved. I can have time to choose a better outfit for my interview =^^=
It's raining a lot....cause of that my internet and phone lne has been a little wacky....hopefully the repair man can fix it on Monday. *looks out side* O.O.....when is it gonna stop?!
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
Hey Everybody
Hey Everyone right now I'm at one of the most horrible libraries in the houston area. Can you believe they have not anime?!? None!
I wish I could have gone with Otemba and Cloud Sama to the Mall. T.T I'm sure we would have had lots of fun.
So how was/is everyone??
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
How's everybody?
Hey guys how's everything going? Right now I'm at the library with my sisters and my mom. I'm glad that the Library- or at least this branch- has started having anime DVDs and manga to check out. Last time I cam here I checked out Fruits Basket episodes 7 though 12 and Sailor Moon Super S. I liked Fruits Basket a lot but I was really disappointed that I only got to see Akito only for a little while. The last epsiode had a teaser for the next one and it featured Akito and how he visits the school. Man I started to literally freaking out! =_sigh_= I just love Akito and I really don't care if he's evil or not. ^_^ I think he's just misunderstood. And yes I know that in the manga it was reveled that Akito was a woman but they never said that in the anime. So in the manga he's a she and in the anime he's a he. It's either I believe that or I just go on with my life pretending to have never lerned of Akito's secret. ^_^ Denial is so nice.
Now I've checked out the 3rd and 4th DVD vol of Azu Manga Daioh- which I heard was hilarious. I'm eager to go home and watch it. See, this is why I want a portable DVD player lol.
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Featured Quiz Result:
YAY!!! I Love this video. It was the first Miyavi song and Pv I've seen.
 You're Girls, be ambitious! So cute, you smile just like a woman. You'd do anything to put a smile on a sick girl's face.
Which Miyavi PV are you??? brought to you by Quizilla