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| MarcoDelRossi
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
So..I'm sitting in front of my computer, eating a bowl of baked beans(YUM! Extra brown sugar) and sipping on some apple juice....and it is HOT AS HELL IN THIS HOUSE!!!
Man I don't know what happened but lately it's been getting really cold at night and then really hot in the daytime. It's like I'm in the freakin desert.
Anyway nothing new has happened. Just finish commenting on friends' sites and signing GB's oh! and I added four new people to be my friend so welcome four new people!! =^^=...^_^
Well that's all so how was your day/afternoon/evening?
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Monday, June 27, 2005
Job Hunting
So...the task of finding a job is still as hard as ever. Though I think I have a position at Philly Connection but I just have to wait until the manager writes out schedules and then calls me. But I have a feeling I'm gonna be the one calling him for my schedule( If he's done it) than the other way around. =_sigh_=
On the other hand my father want me to work for him and not find a job anywhere else, just to work for his Trucking business. I guess I already work for him because he said he was gonna add me to the payroll and that I get paid next week. ^_^ That makes me happy at least cause I seriously need the money. I'm only sixteen and already I'm in debt! =_sigh_= I knew I shouldn't have joined my school's Dance Team, they've cause me nothing but DEBT!! But, I enjoy the football season and the band so...guess it's not that bad.
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
As you can see I'm starting to get a little...obsessed with everyone's(mine especially)favorite ex Due'le Quartz guitarist Miyavi. Pretty soon my whole site will be crawling with pics and info about him and mindless gushing...can't forget about mindless gushing.
Sorry for being away so long peeps but I had some job troubles and hopefully this new Philly Connection that's opening up will open up soon so i can begin my training.
My sister's finally convinced my mom to order us this thing called True Seramic(sp?) Pro which is supposed to work wonders on all sorts of hair including our nappy black person's hair (No offence to anyone who might find reason to be offended.) Hope it works.
I've become slightly obsessed with Dukes of Hazzard ever since I read this one Mpreg Dukes of Hazzard fic and now because of that I now have the urge to go and see the movie verson starring Johnny Knoxville, Sean William-Scott, and Jessica Simpson.
Oh final thought/question: Did anyone else hear about how Tom Cruise got squirted in the face with water and then how he started to scold the prankster like he was in grade school? lol I saw that on the news and on VH1's Best Week Ever and it was hilarious.
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As you can see I'm starting to get a little...obsessed with everyone's(mine especially)favorite ex Due'le Quartz guitarist Miyavi. Pretty soon my whole site will be crawling with pics and info about him and mindless gushing...can't forget about mindless gushing.
Sorry for being away so long peeps but I had some job troubles and hopefully this new Philly Connection that's opening up will open up soon so i can begin my training.
My sister's finally convinced my mom to order us this thing called True Seramic(sp?) Pro which is supposed to work wonders on all sorts of hair including our nappy black person's hair (No offence to anyone who might find reason to be offended.) Hope it works.
I've become slightly obsessed with Dukes of Hazzard ever since I read this one Mpreg Dukes of Hazzard fic and now because of that I now have the urge to go and see the movie verson starring Johnny Knoxville, Sean William-Scott, and Jessica Simpson.
Oh final thought/question: Did anyone else hear about how Tom Cruise got squirted in the face with water and then how he started to scold the prankster like her was in grade school? lol I saw that on the news and on VH1's Best Week Ever and it was hilarious.
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Current Music: Real Emotion- Kumi Koda
So yeah we've, jrockfangurl, sara, and I, have decided that we're going to Oni-Con in October instead of O-chibiCon in Aug. Cause one Oni-con is cheaper(27$ pre-reg) and closer(by Hobby Airport) than O-chibiCon.
Yeah now i can't wait for this one to come and be here already!! Hey Otemba when are u gonna develop those piccies already?!? I'm eager to see them already!! T.T *whines*
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Monday, March 28, 2005
Hey all
Hey guys it's just me...sitting around doing nothing trying to finish this stupid math homework stupid Mr. Abunima gave me *glares at math packet*.
Man dude I must have watched my new Evangelion like twleve times but it was mostly for the opening sequence...i don't i just like it a lot. *sigh* I wish I could have bought a lot of stuff like you Ochibi Con in Houston? If it is I'll definately go! I'm also gonna try to go to Oni Con which is sometime aound October I think.
Oh by the by good luck on your test Otemba...though by now I think you've already taken it.
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
*shouts and hollers* KamiKAze Con, YEAH!
Hey guys! KaimiKaze Con was great though unfortunately I could only go on Friday. But it was still great!! Kumi Koda was great and her concert was awesome!! I liked a lot of the dances she did and her song Real Emotion was pretty catchy, I even downloaded it a couple of minutes ago along with the Fushigi Yugi Op. song.
My friend Chelsie is gonna try to get me an autograph from Greg Ayers, who plays Goku from Saiyuki, for me cause I never got the chance to last night. Even though i went to the Full Metal Panic panel, where i heard he was gonna be. Though tonight he's gonna be the DJ for the dance. Hopefully she'll get that autograph for me. In the dealers room I bought an Inuyasha Bad for my sister, you the big ones, a sesshoumaru plushie for jrockfangurl, some Ramenue, and some anime dvd called Fight!!!Spirit of the sword and a Neon Genesis Evenglineaon(sp?) VHS for myself. Anyway I had a good time so is there anybody else who went? Did you have a good time??
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
Ok wow I've done a shout out for at least all the members of DEG. Alls I have to do is wait for Totchi's b-day to come up! *Grins*
Our Novelty dance is pretty alright. It's to that song in the Nutcracker i don't know for sure which one but i think it's the one where the sugar plumb fairy and her husband are dancing. *shruggs*
We're also learning a very easy dance that's for our little girls Dance clinic and it's this Saturday!! It's not that much of a problem it's what i have to do AFTERWARDS is the problem. Because of stupid solo and ensamble i'm going to miss my friend's birthday party. I know that when it's time i'm going to be angry or at least cry a little. I really wanted to go. I'm so sorry Cloud sama!!
On another note i'm gonna try to convince my mom of letting me do a first time thing, which is spending the night at my friends house on Sat. march 5. I know i know it is pretty pathetic that i've stayed the night at anyones house it's just that my parents are really strict and so on.
Well i have to skit-daddle and vist the site that my friend is Co-panaling at KamiKaze Con which is You can visit also if u want and help support it. It's basically a lolita gothic jrock sort of thing so if your interested just stop by.
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
Yay!!!! It's Kaoru's birthday! *pouts* but i missed putting a shout out for Kyo's birthday yesterday so I'm gonna do it now...HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYO!!!
Anyway I am soooooo sore right now! We ran for hlf a mile yesterday and then worked out really hard. Also Abi's dance is so tiring!! Right now my ass hurts. I'm so excited that I'm going to KamiKaze Con!! My 1st ever. So far I have 50$ to spend but I need more quick!
I also must apologize to my friends for not post stuff more offten and not visiting your site. I feel so awful.
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Monday, January 17, 2005
Severus Snape, Drama Queen!!!! *Jazz hands*
 You're Wrathful Sev!! Full of anger and mean-ness, you delight in being downright cruel to people, especially that annoying Harry
Which Severus Snape Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Apparently I'm Wrathful Severus. *Evil laughter* Oh, how I love to terrorize First Years and catch unsuspecting students wondering the halls and doing frivorlous deeds in the Astromony Tower. *throws head back and lets loose manical laughter* Especially that mean Potter brat. I'd like to chain him to my wall(bed) and order him to bring me to the highest depths of pleasure and I- *breaks off as Severus-Marco realizes he-she is being stared at in horror my his-her online friends* Yes, well *awkwardly clears throat* carry on then. *stalks off hurriedly*
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