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Monday, January 17, 2005
Awwww Crap!!
Bugger! F*ck! Sh*t! Balderdash! Bloody Hell!
*sighs* I forgot to remind my mom that she was supposed to braid my hair today for tomorrow. I know you're all scratching your heads in bewilderment thinking I've gone nutters but tomorrow is a very important day!! *wails* It's the basket ball game where the Jannettes(Dane Team that I'm in) are preforming and I wanted my hair to look good gosh darn it!!
I mean it rarely does and I'm thinking that Tuesday was gonna be a new change, a new me. But then Murphy had to stick it's damn grotesquely huge nose in my business and make me forget. But I guess there's nothing I can do about it now...just hope I have a good hair day tomorrow and that Murphy minds itself, if it now what's good for it. That's all I wanted to rant about today. I'm gonna go and post a quiz result next so just look out for that.
Byes marco chan
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
Happy Birthday Die!!!
Hey you all guess what?!!? Today, Dec 30th, on this golorious day a special person was born. And that person is Ando Daisuke the guitar player from Dir en Grey!! So this is my little shout out to him saying Happy Birthday Die!!! *holds up birthday signs for Die waving it around crazily*
Nothing new in my life right now besides the fact that I might work part-time at McDonalds Whoho *unenthusiastic* Oh and Momo-chan if you can see this pic just copy and paste it. ^.^! If you can just put your email address so I can mail it to you instead cause all this trying and failure is starting to get to me! lol anyways here it is.
C:\My Documents\My Pictures\kao_theoutfit.jpg
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Hey everyone sorry for the long absence. How's it hanging Otemba? Cloud Sama? Talk to me sometime k?
Anywayz glad that semester testing is almost over. Was disappointed when we didn't get to watch A Day without a Mexican in English today cause of cuss words but...hopefully with 'rents permission will get to watch it tomorrow. Did Secret Santa with the Orchestra today while we ate cookies and punch and watched Charlie Brown's Christmas. Recieved new gifts, got a hug from Steven for gift. Am excited about gift i got for other friend, *smirk* she's gonna blow a gasket. I bet she's gonna say something like "Sweet! Dude, Oh my God"
Ah Kryissa, Kryissa the Dictator.
That about wraps up my day, how about you all?
*heart* Marco chan
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Friday, December 10, 2004
hellooo!!! answer me plz?
Hey ppl can't i get a lil' help huh? Plz write a comment to the post below this one and plz answer my question *begs on knees*
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
some help
Hey you guys, i was just wonderin'can everone see my background? My sis asked that on her page and they couldn't see her background, and i was just curious to see if everyone can see mine. If you guys can't see it i'll have to find out what's wrong, or you ppl can give me some help on what might be wrong. Because ya know i can see my background, but i don't know if everyone else can.
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
 Which Jrock band are you stuck on a deserted island with? brought to you by Quizilla
Malice Mizer! They -want- to survive, but for the love of god, does it have to be on a deserted island?! They're doing well in the mean time, but some members aren't pulling their weight!
*shrugs* Yeah I don't really have anything to say about this one ecxept...Yeah, Go Me!! I hope you enjoyed all the quizzes and my little dialouges that I added to them ^_^ Cause I sure had fun!
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WTF?!?!?! O.O
 Your Jrock Guardian Angel is KYO! OMG! Your so sqrewed! He guides the souls of the rebellious and insane. As far as he's concerned you can take care of yourself, damnit! Your probobly really fucked up. You better hope you are, becuase now that you have Kyo as your guardian, not only will you be on your own, he'll get you into serious trouble...and think it's funny. O__O
Who's Your Jrock Guardian Angel? brought to you by Quizilla
*Turns desparate eyes towards friends while Kyo laughs manically in the background* Help me!...please. *sobs like Salem as he licks down her neck* Pray for me.
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*Sobs* T_T
 You are a yaoi roleplayer / fanfic writer. Sadly enough, you have some level of respect in the fan community. But you still spend most of your time pretending you're a guy in a band having gay sex with another. You sad, sad excuse for a life. Get off your computer and go do something productive.
What kind of jrock fangirl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
The really sad thing is that it's true!! *Wails*
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Which Dir en grey member are you?
which member of Dir en Grey are you? brought to you by Quizilla
When I first saw this all I could think was Oh Baby!! lol
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Eh..*shrugs*...I love Kaoru and Totchi-chan?
So here I am eating crappy cereal and reading a not so crappy fanfic about wolves. God so far vacation has been boring. The highlight of it being when my friend came over and I went to the library, I know sad.
Oh and also when I had the chance to order the Dir en Grey music video collection and only for between $9.50 and $12.00 really cheap.
I'm thinking of changing my background to another pic of Kaoru(Can't you tell I just love him!) and my icon. My friend Chelsie decided she was going to go to the KamiKaze con cosplayed as Kaoru which is cool. I can't wait to see what she looks like. She wants someone to cosplay as another band member and do poses like they do and stuff. If your interestered(sp?) just PM me.
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