I watched the two fight from the window, hoping that somehow this was all a dream...that things weren't as bad as they really were...but I soon found out the hard way just how real it was...
"Why the rush, Bakura?" Marik asked,"I've never known you to give in..."
Bakura stared at him, saying nothing. It seemed risky, to use mind control on him...but then again, maybe the fool had realized how great Marik's power was...
"Well?" Bakura prompted.
An evil grin spread across Marik's face, and because of his nasty ways of toying with others minds for fun, he never saw what was coming...he raised the Millennium Rod.
"You've made the biggest mistake of your life, Bakura."
The Rod flashed. But so did the Ring. And, in a whirlwind of wind and light, Yami Marik's screams could be heard as he was locked away in the Millennium Rod by Bakura's Soul Transfer.
The wind died down, and there stood the real Marik, weak and tired, looking completely confused. He winced and fell over.
"A mistake, eh?" Bakura sneered, as if Yami Marik could still hear him,"You're the one who's made the mistake..."
Bakura took the Rod from Marik's limp hand and left, cackling evilly to himself as he went.
I couldn't believe what I had just seen. Could Yami Marik really be gone? Had Bakura succeeded in finding a way to defeat him? But all that was shoved aside when I saw Marik lying on the concrete below me. I stood up and rushed out the door.
Within minutes, I was kneeling by his side, trying desperately to wake him. He was alive, I could tell, as he was still bleeding. I looked around. No one in sight, and the hotel people were nowhere around either. I had only one choice. I tore off part of my shirt and wrapped it around his leg.
"Hang on Marik, I'll get you help...I promise..."
I carried his limp body with all my effort to his motorcycle and got on, letting him lean on my back as I started the bike up. He stirred as I shakily pulled out onto the streets.
"Izumi..., he moaned softly,"...be careful.....he's still....." his words were never finished as he slipped back into unconsciousness. I had to hurry. Or else.....or else.....I held back tears as I thought of what would happen if I didn't get him to the hospital in time, and I sped off between the cars, amazingly missing them all, as this was my first time riding a motorcycle. But something told me, as I thought of what Marik had said, that even if we did make it, something was waiting for us...and it was even more dangerous than Yami Marik.