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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
weird poem
so I really don't like tis but someone asked me to put it up so yeah here ya go CowTiper
In the Dark of this abyss,
I sit and wait.
I know in my heart,
There is no hope,
You won’t come back.
If you were here you’d hold me,
Tell me there was nothing to fear.
I wonder were you ever really here?
Food has lost its taste.
The moon has lost its gleam.
Why did you leave?
I make my way to the window,
I go to shut it but climb outside instead.
My bare feet touch the ground
Where have you gone?
The wind is now fearsome.
But the cold numbs my pain,
The rain hides my tears.
The storm fills my mind.
Were you afraid?
A gun shot sounds in my head,
I fall onto my knees.
You’re falling away.
I can no longer feel you inside my head.
What happens now?
I’ve made my way to your side,
A tear drop falls I hear it splash.
The doctor says I have to go,
I see you move.
Are you there?
They tell me it’s over,
Again I fall,
But someone catches me.
Am I alive?
I wake up to see your face.
It comes flooding back the pain,
The water, the dark, the cold.
Now I remember,
You smile, I laugh.
It hurts I look down,
A tube is attached to my arm,
I have a bandage on my side.
“You don’t remember do you?”
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Monday, February 28, 2005
(img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v680/hobbitslive/yukibanner2.jpg")
haha oh yeah elvesatemyramen thanks for the banner!!!!!
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Friday, February 25, 2005
Woot !
I just finished a peice for L.A it isn't either of te ones that youguys have seenbut its bettter Araul you have to read it on monday, I love it its good its a poem. I f anyone actually wants to read it ask I'll put it up but only If people want me to.
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the evil art formate won't let me put anything up I have like 50 things that I would like to put up and I can't ARHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
So whats new well nothing JOHN MAYER ROCKS!!!! I have to find a better song of his to put up so I have another half started poem for ya'll
It's Raining.
I wish I was alone.
Then I could sort out my troubles.
Without your questions.
You don't know me as well as you think.
Where were you in my pain.
You don't know me.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
I'm really bored so I'm gonna put up a part of somtihng I'm working on for L.A if anyone has any ideas please comment,
You call me strange, so I jump around like an idiot,
I think someone just referred to me as the potato bandit?
I refuse to praise the antics of prophets,
So who cares if my idols a hermit.
I don’t care what you say ‘cause I’ve got reason to believe that you might be a midget,
They all yell when I don’t sit still but I’m too bored not to fidget.
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Monday, February 7, 2005
I'm gonna get guitar lessosns!!!!!! I'm super happy consihdering I've wanted to learn since i was like 5f. yeah i think im ay have pursuaded my mum to get um cause origdannaly i was supposed to get lessons and me brother was gonna get baskvetball wha-you-ma-call-ums I'm super hyper weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I'm also happy cause I'm lixsten to Keith urban hes my favorite !!!!!!!!!! he plays the guitar really good !!!!!! Yup im so exiterd im throwen extra letters inta my words and yes i know just about every other word is wrong but i don't care weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (no more suger for me* jumps up & dances around room to "days go by"* ) fligggaaaa srry animefane339 but i gotsta woot!!!!!!!!!!11!1!!!1 opps stupid 1
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
im so bored, bored bored bored bored bored. im also in pian stupid braces fortunetly ill have them off soon before im forteen yeayyy bored again oh well right now im watching "the rundown" im so bored bored bored bored bored bored ive even drawn 2 posters today 1 of my friends character and 1 of my character bored again bored bored bored bored boredim gonna go draw some more here in a minute i just gonna change the video on my thing then draw some more im gonna put some pics up tomarrow I think oh well bye
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Monday, January 17, 2005
dude im in so much trouble when i go back to school i missed the last day of the term and missed three tests (my allergys acted up and i couldn't breath) but yeah i forgot and my teachers are gonna kill me oh well fwahahaha
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

give Sunny more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
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